NBZ's WSOP 2021 Vegas Trip 10/9-19

Short stack opens to 12. I make it 35 with AKo. One caller and short stack flats with 49 behind. Why do they never jam like I want them to?

Flop is 97x with two spades. Short stack shoves. I jam. Third player folds. Runout is Q T. Villain turns over T8o.

What’s the thought process for bluffing the dry side pot? Seems like the value of being HU with like 33% equity against shorty’s range does not make up for the times you lose your stack against JJ+, sets from the cold caller.

I was protecting my equity with what might be the best hand.

Helps if you have a physical tell that the third man was weak.

Having fun with drunk poker. Ordering rounds of shots. I am no longer allowed to order after making them drink a poorly made cement mixer that was not floated. Guy wanted a Halloween drink and I put the trick in trick or treat.

Mandalay Bay poker room closes at 2 am. I am soooo drunk right now.


Now find another room that’s open and do more shots!

I thought Clamato was a Canadian thing.

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A part of me just wants to wreck myself with some sort of AYCE food orgy today.

Lots of ayce sushi joints, if that’s your thing.

My go-to AYCE sushi is Umiya, which is about a mile west of the Rio.

I felt the couple of ayce sushi places ive been to were very good deals with way better sushi than what im used to in non high end places.

I might also be a sushi donk

I’m really not sure if I am in the mood to play poker today. Might wander over to the Rio and fire a daily and assess how I’m doing before making future plans.

On a scale of 1-10, how hungover are you?

  1. I don’t really do hangovers.

That is not how my hangovers have worked in the past, so I am fascinated to hear more about your ideas and subscribe to that newsletter …


I just do normal stuff like drink water and make sure I eat beforehand.

What’s your read of a player choosing to wear a mask when optional with a Chick-fil-A cup at the table?

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I open to 1500 at 300/600 blinds. Button and BB call. Flop is 732 with two hearts. BB donks all in for 2100. Button has 12000.

What should I flat with? What should I raise with?

What range do you put BB on?

You cover?