National Basketball Association - 2023/24 Season

Grizzlies killed that trade.

Maybe there is draft capital involved.


The Grizzlies are sending 2023 and 2024 first-round picks to the Celtics, sources tell ESPN. Grizzlies are sending No. 25 on Thursday night and 2024 pick via Golden State for Smart.

Uhhhhā€¦ I love it in theory. Too bad Brogs and Staps will be out for the year by Christmas.

i think all 3 teams got better, celtics needed a big and Pingus is the best player in the trade when healthy, Memphis has a young roster and keeps getting eliminated by veteran teams (Lakers/GSW) in the playoffs they got a ton of playoff experience in smart and now they have the last 2 DPOYs, and washington is tanking and probably gets a top 3 pick next year.

Iā€™m pretty bummed about Marcus. Dude has his flaws but he was easy to root for

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I would have preferred the Brogdon trade, but Iā€™m good with it. Iā€™m a Smart-lover, but his isolation defense got significantly worse last season in the regular season. He was better in the playoffs, so maybe it was injury related, but heā€™s got a million, physical, miles on him.

Hope he can become as beloved in Memphis as another former Celtic / Oklahoma State player, Tony Allen. Tony Allen forever.

I think what they may end up missing the most from Smart is the passing. Heā€™s the guy that got them the easy buckets. I totally agree that Derrick White is the better player now, and Brogdon is a better offensive player by a mile, but neither of them are the passer that Smart is (at least, Brogdon wasnā€™t last year, I know he has a good rep). Brogdonā€™s defense was horrific, he needs to keep hitting 44% of his threes.

On a team of guys that donā€™t always want the ball, Marcus always wanted it (for good and bad).

This basically pegs the difference in value between Marcus Smart and Malcolm Brogdon as a late first and a first with some late lottery potential.

Cs sent out #35 this year to the Wiz, so they only moved up 10 spots. If thereā€™s any big doofus willing to let Giannis and Embiid trample him for 7 games, take that guy. They need to replace my husky son Grant.

Itā€™s always nice to have a team to root against for Draft equity, but I was already rooting against Golden State.

Based on past trades, moving up from 35 to 25 usually requires something around the value of pick 28-31, so I consider that the equivalent of a very late first.

If the Celtics donā€™t re-sign Grant, Iā€™ll have lost my two favorite Celtics.

Memphis with last two defensive players of the year now.

Maybe smart can help straighten that team out, so many head cases there, or he could lose his mind.

Apparently Brogdon is broken.

Payton Pritchard could be a starter next year.

I fully expect them to get someone else

Are we sure Jaylen is staying?

Yes. Why would he leave? If they extend him they canā€™t trade him for a year. I think heā€™s leaving money on the table if he gets traded now.

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Edited: Taking this all back - the new CBA would have allowed Boston to give Jaylen a non-Super Max (new CBA allows raises up to 140%). So, if a team traded for him now, they could give him the regular max. Like ftb said, heā€™d be giving up a lot of money. Leaving what I wrote below, but itā€™s wrong.

They could trade Jaylen before extending him, but the acquiring team would be in the same trouble as Boston would have been if he hadnā€™t made All NBA. They couldnā€™t offer him enough to extend him (I think - the new CBA helped with this, but I think the Celtics still couldnā€™t offer him a full max if he hadnā€™t made All NBA), he would definitely hit free agency, and then his team canā€™t offer him a ton more than other clubs.

It could happen, but I think the acquiring team would have to be relatively certain Jaylen would re-sign with them after hitting free agency.

Good on the Warriors. Poole was awful this year.

ESPN Sources: The Washington Wizards are finalizing a deal to send Chris Paul to the Golden State Warriors for a package that includes Jordan Poole and future draft assets.

the wizards just giving up everything for basically nothing

and hoping some lotto balls go your way in the future is quite a bad strategy

at least the bulls realize lavine is pretty good and should get a return for that

Not sure what else they could do. Beal had a no-trade and bad contract. Lavine is one-year younger, healthier, and a decent bit cheaper than Beal.

Porzingis was leaving so they were lucky to get anything for him.

Buddy having a lul meltdown on a group chat over the Poole trade.

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