Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)


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Demi Moore in that movie is so hot. Ally Sheedy is also up there. Not really into seeing Rob Lowe mercy-fuck Mare Winningham though.

I donā€™t know how you originally found this; this is kind of film a person scours imdb lists to find.

The set design is truly impeccable.

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May December (2023)

This is a pretty great exploration of sexual morality. Itā€™s filled with cringe is the best was possible. Moore and Portman are amazing.

Highly recommend.


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I liked it too (slightly less than you did from the sound of it, but still). It felt like a rich text, and even though it was very easy to follow I kept thinking of how I was going to need a second watch to dig into everything they were going for. Heard the same sentiments repeated on The Big Picture.

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Ya itā€™s interesting. Itā€™s sort of simultaneously both the film and a critique of itself. I canā€™t think of many films that pull that off.

I watched The Depahhhted all the way through for the first time last night. Pretty good movie. Not sure what the message was though. Life is pain and everyone dies?


Any great movie can be moved toward medicority if adapted for American audiences.

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I love The Departed. It delivers every time for me.

In case anyone else needs to see it for the first time, itā€™s streaming free on Tubi.

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I confess Iā€™ve not seen the original.


Iā€™m not high level enough to appreciate that ending. It pissed me off.

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Youā€™re not alone. Iā€™m not even sure if I like the ending, just that the rest of the movie delivers enough for me to just enjoy the rest.

Do you think someone who loves the remake would also enjoy the original? A matter of taste, not asking if the original is better.

Infernal Affairs is a great action movie, it doesnā€™t take itself nearly as seriously as The Departed does. Thatā€™s why I prefer it - Boston is a fundamentally less interesting place than Hong Kong, but the movie itself doesnā€™t pretend to be more than an action thriller.

To be clear, I like them both, so itā€™s not like Iā€™m trying to say that The Departed is a bad film. I just donā€™t think itā€™s a particularly interesting film. Iā€™ll take Tony Leung over hammy performances by Nicholson and Leo any day of the week.

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Nice. I need to check out Internal Affairs.

I notice you left Matt Damon off the list of things the remake didnā€™t do well :grin:



Favorite scene in departed


You guys gotta see Infernal Affairs if you liked The Departed for sure, amazing movie. I think itā€™s on the Criterion Channel right now.

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Saw Dream Scenario. It was decent; not sure I can give it more than that. Strong start followed by a persistent gradual loss of momentum as the movie went on, and as it wound down I was ready for it to be done. The very final sequence worked pretty well I thought, but the overall final act Iā€™m a lot more meh about. Thereā€™s enough good in the movie that I kind of liked it and can soft-recommend it to anyone who thinks the premise sounds appealing, but just donā€™t expect the world. 3/5.


Poor Things getting rave reviews, and is a must-see on Metacritic. One reviewer describes it as Barbie on absinthe.

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