Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Your mileage may vary, but I went in with the modest expectation that I would like it pretty well and that the IMAX would be pretty unnecessary, and came away absolutely loving it and being glad I saw it in IMAX.

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Love Chamalet.

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I think a big draw of the movies Nolan makes is the score and sound editing.

Dunkirk in theaters added a ton.


Dialogue that you canā€™t hear half the time is a big draw for people? As someone with hearing issues i basically refuse to go see a Nolan movie in the theater, need those subtitles.

I enjoyed Oppenheimer in the theater, but I probably donā€™t make it through it at home. Iā€™m too easily distracted and it is definitely not action-packed.

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I think the appeal of Timothy Chalamet is that heā€™s hot as fuck.

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Oh good, Iā€™m not the only one. I always feel crazy when I look at him and think ā€œmehhhhhhh, probably not.ā€

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I tried watching Interstellar again and boy was that a tough watch. I turned it off when a wild Matt Damon appears and I understood not even he was going to save a repeat viewing.


Idk either I think he was wildly miscast in Dune. Should have given the lead to Bautista.

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Heā€™s no @clovis8 , but heā€™s sexy enough.


Listen here Wade

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Adding this to my mental bank of comments ITT that have left me afraid to give Interstellar a second watch after loving it the first time.

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The dialogue is so bad that I suddenly reconsidered why the music mix makes it so hard to hear what anyone is saying.

Itā€™s got SO MUCH that works for it. The cast and performances are great and it LOOKS amazing. But never before have I felt Nolanā€™s flaws as a storyteller be more plainly apparent than when rewatching Interstellar.

Eh I loved it every time Iā€™ve watched it

It was good, but if the implication is that it was better than In Bruges then my snap-reaction on first watch is that I donā€™t think I agree. Very different movies obviously, so not an easy comparison regardless of the obvious overlap.

She was wonderful and Iā€™m pretty sure I want to marry her now. Farrell was great too.


No no, not better than In Bruges. Obviously different, but I would be surprised to find an In Bruges fan who didnt enjoy Banshees

Okay yeah, definitely agree with that. And I do immediately feel committed to giving this a second watch before too terribly long, so I donā€™t even completely rule out the possibility of flipping my preference between the two in the future.

So I donā€™t like to use the word ā€œmasterpieceā€ lightly, but Iā€™ve just seen two masterpieces: Friedkinā€™s Sorcerer (1977) and Godfrey Hoā€™s Ninja: The Violent Sorcerer (1982). 10/10 genre-defying masterpieces, nothing more to say, really.


I got some delightful discussion of that very film for ya

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