Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

This was a 10/10 documentary about a great storyteller. Really makes me want to go back and revisit everything I liked Albert Brooks in (and check out everything I’ve missed). Especially Drive!! Cold blooded.

This documentary has so many funny bits and anecdotes that it plays more like its own stand-up routine. I can see this one being one I watch over and over again whenever I’m just looking for something good to zone out to or play in the background when doing something tedious.

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It made me appreciate Mother that much more that it was kind of autobiographical of his relationship with his mother. And the story about how his father died? Wild. In light of Avatar 2, it’s pretty funny to be reminded that there was a part in The Muse where James Cameron was being cautioned to stay away from the water.

Truly crazy that Brooks just went on Carson all the time with totally unrehearsed bits. You could tell that other masters of the craft were just left going “WTF, seriously? Who could do that?”

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Watched that today and loved it.

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That’s a great documentary.

The other part Peter Weller admitted to was RoboBanging every willing participant in sight. His trailer never sat still.

If you want more Robo goodness, the new FPS video game feels like being in the movie.

“What do you think about [the] crash scenes? They looked pretty harsh, drastic and, I must say, cheesy for me,” the audience member asked Driver during the post-screening Q&A on Sunday. “What do you think?”

Driver simply replied, “F— you, I don’t know? Next question.”


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These are the official rankings of movies

Tubi announced a first-of-its-kind partnership with the Black List on the “To Be Commissioned” Initiative to provide both emerging and established writers with the opportunity to submit their screenplays intended to be developed, produced and distributed by Tubi. Tubi is commissioning five scripts that speak to young, diverse audiences that fit into one of the following genres: Sci-Fi, Faith, Comedy, Romance and Wild Card (any genre) which allows for the inclusion of a great script that may not fall within the other specified genres. Writers can submit their entries by visiting HERE beginning today and the submission program will run through March 15, 2024.

Tubi, or not Tubi :eyes::eyes::eyes:

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Danny Boyle Has Created A Matrix Stage Show: Free Your Mind Is An Interpretive Dance Reimagining Of The Matrix


Almost a quarter of a century after the Wachowski sisters’ original film bent minds and genres, Danny Boyle has reimagined The Matrix for the stage , an ambitious project that comes to life at Manchester’s avant-garde Aviva Studios (via BBC). This adaptation, which plays in the UK’s most significant new cultural venue in years, is not just a reenactment but a re-envisioning of the classic story. Boyle’s rendition, titled Free Your Mind , eschews a traditional narrative for a contemporary dance expression , capturing the film’s essence and themes in an entirely new medium. This bold endeavor reflects Boyle’s drive to push creative boundaries and his keen insight into the film’s relevance.


I never knew until now that I wanted all of these things combined.

Ha, it’s funny my reaction was the exact opposite. When I see stuff like this I think “this was made for no one but the creator”.

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Tubi rules

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Lol fair!!! Normally I’d agree. Surely you think there are sometimes exceptions tho, such as if the Wachowskis gave their blessing to David Mitchell?

Get fucked, Discovery


Hard to imagine how much talent will refuse to work with WB going forward. They burned a lot of trust.

I’m willing to reconsider my position if they will release Batgirl.

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I’m really stoked for this one. Even though my wrestling fandom growing up only interacted with the Von Erichs to the extent that Kerry Von Erich turned up for a couple of years in WWF in the early 90s, my listening to the Lamentable Tragedy of World Class podcast series by The Lapsed Fan gave me the deep dive on this whole crazy story and I’m definitely looking forward to seeing it rendered into a film.

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Lady Bird was really good (currently on Netflix).


Heyyyyyyy that’s by the director of Barbie!! Agree great movie.

Every movie she has made has been A+. Rare director you can say that of.

Her version of Little Woman is her best film.

That’s throwing “A+” around pretty lightly, but it’s definitely a very strong start to her directorial career.