Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Agree with all you said. It’s been attempted by everyone who played a twin or character with DID, but this is one of the few characters and performances of someone with DID that rang true for me.

I was just thinking how due to the opening of LotR showing Bilbo’s part of The Hobbit, then the extra prologue of RotK showing how Smeagol found the ring, it was almost impossible for The Hobbit movies to not feel redundant.

I think your appreciation of the Smeagol performance by Andy Serkis is another reason you should give the new Planet of the Apes movies a shot. And to a lesser extent why I wish I would give Mowgli a chance.

Another credit to The Two Towers: absolutely one of the GOAT trailers.

Like…objectively, I want to criticize it for showing so much Gandalf after the events of Fellowship, but it overcomes all of my objections, with special thanks to the epic remix of the Requiem for a Dream score.

I’ve actually not touched the Hobbit movies because the notion that there was enough meat in that story to merit a trilogy of three-hour movies is completely absurd to me. I’ve got the first installment in my watchlist, but anytime I consider actually firing it up it doesn’t sound like something I actually want to do.

Re: Planet of the Apes, which one would I try first? Just the first reboot post-Wahlberg?

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Can someone please take the color filters away from Ridley Scott? This is absurd.


yeah that looks like shit. Every director should take note of the people who filmed The English, now that had some beautiful colors that you want to look at.

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My man is still using the Breaking Bad Mexico filter in 2023 WTF.

Yes, I think you should start with Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The next two are made by Matt Reeves, though, so I will also say if Rise for some reason is not to your taste, skip to Dawn.

Rise is very good, but you’ll see, it’s very different than Dawn. That ending omg!!

Alright, just added this to my watchlist.

In all likelihood, Rise will have to be at least decent or intriguing or something to keep me going. I’m not getting Dark Towered again.

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Plus we got this incredible meme


The OG Heston one, then the 2011 one.

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Yeah I do have yet to see the OG Heston one too, I need to fix that.

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No need, im pretty sure this sums up the entire movie.


Okay you should watch that one first. Wtf.

Or later. I think it would be fun either order. You’ll catch a ton of homages to the OG.

I think you should never watch the Marky Mark version. Just watch the trailer.

I’d also suggest the book it was based on, but I can’t remember if it was good. Last read it maybe 25 years ago as a teen.


The main thing I remember from the book is a scene where the human finally overcomes his prejudice enough to admit he’s attracted to the ape woman. Seems like they’re about to kiss, but then she turns away from him in disgust and says, “I can’t! You’re just too hideous!”

Shades of Twilight Zone.

Don’t forget: I haven’t seen The Sound of Music either. But I am drawing closer and closer all the time to “seen everything that an 80th percentile American cinephile has seen” status.

This one I saw. It’s the one upthread I referred to as “the Mark Wahlberg atrocity,” which led me to find out about his IRL racist hate crimes.

It’s extremely rare that I ever jump in anywhere but the start of a franchise, but in the rare cases where I did…woof. I jumped in at M:I 2 and Mark Wahlberg Planet of the Apes. I was just subconsciously trying to destroy those franchises for myself before I ever really got going.

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You need help :flushed:

Let it be said that Larry David is poorly groomed in this, and it feels like he could have shaved before going on camera. But it still feels like the ultimate compliment that he talks about when he found out that Brooks approved of his comedy, and how it was a huge deal to him that Brooks liked his work. When you’re good enough that Larry fucking David desperately seeks your validation, that is quite an achievement.

See also: David Letterman saying, “I’d rather have Albert Brooks’s career than my career.”

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The M:I 2 one I purely blame on the fact that an old friend wanted to see it, and sometimes for social reasons you just say yes to a movie that you’re not really keen on. It’s been a running joke with a different friend of mine for nine years that he managed to get me outvoted so that we landed in a theater watching Exodus: Gods and Kings instead of my vote for that night, Interstellar. Exodus is truly one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. But there’s been real humor value in being able to troll my friend about it for nearly a decade.

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I’ll co-sign on the planet of the apes trilogy. I enjoyed them all and Serkis as Cesar was pretty great imo


OG Apes movie is very much like a movie-length Twilight Zone episode, if you like TZ, it’s a must watch. Lots of camp value and it still kind of holds up as science fiction.

The new apes trilogy with Serkis is inexplicably good. Even though it’s just a dumb nostalgia reboot, they were really cooking with the new apes movies.

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The damnedest most fucking thing about the OG Planet of the Apes is my dad got a DVD of it back in the day. Dad asked me when I figured out the twist…my answer was when they put it on the back of the box. I somehow wasn’t spoilered on the movie (even though I am sure I watched the Simpsons episode)

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I have a busy day that hopefully includes getting to see The Marvels, but I appreciate you bringing the doc back up. Looking forward to it asap.