Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

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Lol subscribed. What a fun interview.

Also they posted this :laughing:

Iā€™m reprising my role as a suburban dad. Need some hoses and sprinklers to water in that grass seed.


I stand corrected. Thereā€™s no point unless it can be a great commercial OR remade into a musical.

Jon Hamm ITT

Unfriended (2014) I went in super-skeptical because this seemed like just another ā€œwhat if ghosts on the internetā€ movie. But it won me over, interesting and fresh way to tell a ghost story in the modern age. Basically imagine if an entire ghost story was told via Zoom meeting. As a content warning, the story involves teen suicide.


Nice, the ā€œsequelā€ (similar setup but completely different story / characters) is even better. I wish theyā€™d make a third one.

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Oh man, this is dark web shit


The Killer (2023)

Iā€™d say this is minor Fincher. I liked it but itā€™s missing the typical Fincher edge. It, of course, looks amazing.

Grade: B

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I thought it was great and would put it in the upper half of the Fincher catalog. Thought Fassbender worked really well as the vehicle to drive the film. I give it a 4/5.


Iā€™m not really a Fincher guy (I didnā€™t like Fight Club and Iā€™ve never seen Zodiac), but I enjoyed The Killer. It took me a little bit of adjustment, as I expected more of a straightforward thriller rather than a slower-paced movie laced with dark comedy/irony/whatever. Iā€™d also say that listening to The Big Picture conversation about it is adding to my post-watch assessment, and I can see myself rewatching it in the near future.

Iā€™d give it a solid B/B+. My wife hated it, though.

I feel like Fincher hits the spot for me more consistently than other big-name directors. I enjoyed that Big Picture episode even though Iā€™m far apart from Sean on his stuff (him recently calling The Social Network the best film of the 2010s just seems insane to me, though I suppose I may owe that one a rewatch, and meanwhile I loved Benjamin Button and he always speaks of it pretty negatively).

Definitely love Fight Club. Mank is the only Fincher Iā€™ve watched and regarded as a chore to get through.

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Iā€™m with Sean on The Social Network, but thatā€™s because Iā€™m an unreformable Sorkin-head.

Same to all of this

The outro letter/monologue are indelible and inspiring. So good.

The film version has special significance for me because it was set amidst Hurricane Katrina, which devastated Louisiana and Mississippi while I was living there in 2005.

Thatā€™s my favorite scene in the movie and the thing I primarily associate the movie with. That and Taraji Hensonā€™s excellent performance. I think thatā€™s the first time I encountered her, and I immediately wanted to see her show up in as many things as possible.

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Substackā€™s AI image generator just took a victory lap.

I present the AI reimagined sequel to Blade Runner you never knew you needed: Merdr R1cr_


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I was not able to see The Marvels today, but I was in the mood for something in the same vibe, so I rewatched The Two Towers and yā€™all this movie still slaps so hard. I would love to see the whole trilogy again in theaters.


I made this post 18 days ago having no idea of the then-forthcoming Brooks documentary that is now up on Max. I couldnā€™t ask for much more out of this thing; just an absolute murderersā€™ row of some of the best talent in comedy and in Hollywood lining up to pay Brooks his proper respect, and while doing so highlighting his works in a way that will hopefully draw more eyeballs to them.

I havenā€™t seen Real Life (1979), honestly didnā€™t really even know about it, and it was clear to me from watching this doc that I need to remedy that soon. Granted that the doc is just an unapologetic and uncritical tribute rather than something that provides new footage (outside of the interview between Reiner and Brooks that narrates it), but I fully expect that anyone who enjoys Brooks will enjoy it.

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I love that whole movie, but I think the thing that sticks with me the most is Smeagol defeatedly saying ā€œI hate youā€ to the part of himself that he hates and has been valiantly (but ultimately futilely) attempting to resist. It doesnā€™t feel as novel now, but back then it sure felt revelatory for a CGI character to evoke so much emotion.

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