Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

They were the local ‘royal’ family of wrestling where i grew up when I watched it a lot in the early 80s. They were ultimately known as much for tragedy as wrestling, so there’s a lot to mine there. The trailer I saw seemed to miss a lot of reality, and had the wrong feel, so I have no idea if the movie will be any good. My sister, who is 3 years older, was in the wrestling scene there from probably 1988 to the mid-90s, but I don’t think she knew any of them.

What I most remember is Ric Flair coming to town to defend his NWA belt, usually against Kerry, and then cheating to retain the title with an always bloody forehead.

Fair. I am a bigger fan than most I would say.

Her Little Women is A+ imo though. Rest I might go down a little if pushed. Barbie was fun but wouldn’t be A+ I guess.

Yeah, personally I’ve rated them as Little Women 4.5/5, Lady Bird 4/5, Barbie 3.5/5, which again is obviously a very strong start overall. I’ve also only seen each one once, and I definitely owe all of them more than that as I get back around to them. I might end up agreeing fully with your Little Women rating.

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Anatomy of a Fall takes forever getting going. Then it does get better, and has some compelling sequences and interesting choices, but it never justifies its length overall. My internal debate would be between giving it a 2.5/5 and a 3/5, but since I stand back from it and it feels like a better work from 500 feet than the experience itself really felt, I guess it’s good enough to be deemed an above-average movie because there was probably a very solid two-hour movie in there if better editing choices were made.

It gets Oscar buzz as a potential also-ran nominee in the Best Picture field, and I can’t see myself getting to the point of thinking it deserves that.

Hell yeah,movies are finally back. This is going to slap.

There was a mini-controversy here when this was not selected to represent France for “best foreign film” at the Oscars (instead they sent some probably much worse food porn movie). There was some suspicion that the committee made this choice not to anger Macron, as Fall’s director Justine Triet had made a very strong anti-Macron speech after winning at Cannes. Anyway, I haven’t heard about the rumors you mention but I’m definitely rooting for it now.

(I’m mostly with you on the movie, I found it very well-made/smart but ultimately not that compelling. Unlike you, I liked the beginning more than the end though)

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That’s interesting context re: the Oscars, I appreciate the additional info.

I do think Sandra Huller did very strong work, and if she gets one of the Best Actress noms I’d be perfectly happy to see that.

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I mean it probably will but lol at toutting a 100% RT movie based on 5 reviews. Sample size much?



That’s a Paddlington

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Welp, Lord and Miller have earned my “will see anything they give a stamp of approval to” goodwill, and they say Coyote v. ACME is awesome, so a now triple fuck you to Discovery for trying to kill it.

Gotta see this movie now, hopefully someone picks it up.

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Same. Even 21 Jump St and the sequel were unexpected delights. There was talk of that franchise doing a crossover with Men in Black. Would have been hilarious.

I’d be so happy if we ever get to see their cut of Solo. IIRC they’d shot pretty much the whole movie before they were replaced by Ron Howard.

In this timeline, the only move is for Taylor Swift to reveal that she is a big fan of the coyote, so she is going to purchase the film and distribute it using the same model she used for her concert film.


Some of the people who are upset about this can probably afford to buy it. I wonder what the asking price is.

The Taylor Swift movie has made $250 million. It had no major studio and must have cost like $100,000 max.

It could be among the most profitable movies ever made!

Scheer should do a How Did This Get Made? (And Then Not Released) episode on it.


Budget was $10-20 million

The end of John Wick: Chapter 2 is incredibly well-done. The end of John Wick: Chapter 3 is an absolute embarrassment. Fucking hell. I cannot believe they ended that movie so badly.

(I haven’t seen Chapter 4.)

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What? I don’t believe that at all. That must include the actual concert costs too.

You need to account for Bidenflation.


Juat a single editor will be paid that much, plus all the other random things you need.