Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Garfield – Igor, Waltz --Frank, Isaac – Monster seems obvious

Perhaps too obvious? Or predictable yet satisfying :thinking:

If he goes old-school, he might give Frankenstein speaking lines.

No Hard Feelings. R rated comedy with Jennifer Lawrence was worth a stream, I was laughing quite a bit during the first half of the movie and then the tone shifted away from that a bit in the second half.

Happened upon Greenland last night while I was ironing. Looked like it was going to be another Gerard Butler disaster flick, but it was actually pretty decent. Comet racing towards Earth, family trying to get to safety, etc.

What was better about it than other disaster movies was that it went away from just showing everything blowing up every five minutes to more of a nitty-gritty on the ground, how do people react type of narrative. Yes, there are explosions, fires, close calls where the hero somehow escapes and what-not, but it’s more grounded. Made me think about if it was me in that situation.

Kind of like 2012 with a lot less building collapsing and ground opening up.

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I made a movie poster for a Cine2Nerdle contest where you are asked to combine one movie from Jordan Peele and another from Ari Aster.

I selected Get Out+Hereditary.

Entrants were warned they would be disqualified if they used AI to generate the images.

I was still vibing some unused ideas so made a second one combining Get Out and Nope.

I did not win (or hit the top 20 lol), but it was great to have a specific prompt to craft images, and the rest of the entries really are incredible.

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I thought this was a delightful surprise. Very much with you expecting it to be just another dumb Geostorm, which was Gerard Butler’s prior earth is ending movie.

Plus idk I’m pretty sure a movie or TV show starts off at a 5/10 if it includes Morena Baccarin. Not a perfect person and obv the movie can stall at 5/10, but it was Greenland’s prize to lose.

Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey is a 10/10 for the first twenty minutes.

Then it’s a good 6/10 if you’re into this quality of horror movie. The idea that Christopher Robin was a naive idiot child actually befriending mutants has lots of potential. Here is what happens when he returns as an adult and discovers the truth.

I might give it another half a point for some fun kills and teasing just how subversive the movie could have been if it had been entirely like the opening sequence.


That’s the one where Winnie and friend are crazed killers right? Gives me Terrifier vibes is it similar?

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Even if Kyle Chandler continues showing up in movies for 30 straight years, I will never stop seeing Coach Taylor.


No a bit more palatable. I couldn’t finish the trailer for Terrifier.

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I watched that Winnie the Pooh movie on Peacock earlier and I gotta say, I think it’s much better than the 2.9 score it currently has on imdb. I read that it had a budget of 100k and I think what they ended up with for that amount of money was pretty impressive. It has it’s fair share of flaws and issues but the setting is cool and there are some great looking shots. Not near Terrifier levels of disgusting, but a few brutal kills. Worth checking out if you have peacock and are looking for a new slasher flick this halloween season.

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Anyway, just watched The Wolf of Wall Street for the first time. Took me a long while because a friend who knows my tastes said I wouldn’t like it. Friend was wrong.

It’s also always soothing to learn the source of internet memes you’ve been seeing forever. Feels like that happened 4+ times with this movie.

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Those Vietnam films are self-aware of the propaganda aspect of war films and use it to turn a mirror to what drove the US to that war and so many to volunteer to fight.

Right??? Reviews made it sound like it would be a straight up C movie filmed in someone’s backyard.

IIRC, the opening sequence was made in post production after a financier saw the movie and injected a little more cash. Well worth it imo as that opening scene took me right back to my childhood obsession with Winnie the Pooh.

lol I had all of the stuffed animals. I was 13 and my mom had left my dad but would take me to the Disney store at the mall. They had a MOUNTAIN of stuffed animals in a bin at the back of the store. I begged her to get me one of the giant Pooh bears.

Now I’m kinda glad she didn’t :flushed:

(especially since she was running from a violent man and had next to no money, just her time and love :heart:)

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Not sure why the reviews indicate that A Quiet Place Part II is roughly on the level of the original. It’s quite a bit weaker.

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I didn’t expect much out of The Artist, since I only ever hear it get mentioned as the target of drive-by comments about it being a weak Best Picture winner. Given my expectation level, it was a pleasant surprise. It’s very charming. I’m immediately inclined to categorize it alongside CODA: a nice, enjoyable movie that I agree does not rate alongside the best of the BP winners, but that I will also never think of when I think of the weakest BP winners I’ve seen. And I don’t think either one was an unreasonable winner given the respective fields they were up against.

Now the most recent BP winner I haven’t seen is The English Patient. I suppose I’m going to have to bite the bullet and finally watch that one sometime. Countdown to my “Elaine Benes was right” post…

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In a down part in my career that movie and Hugo came out. They were both very emotionally moving to me based on how the downturn happening went down and how long it had lasted (was just beginning to sniff a form of recovery very slowly). I was heavily rooting for it to win, even though I had only seen two of the movies, because I felt it was a great story telling about Hollywood loss in a very believable way (I tend to hate movies about Hollywood, with Get Shorty being an exception, for the obvious reason that almost none are believable).

To me, it’s like the anti-La La Land. The underlying story of La La Land absolutely landed for me but it was absurd coming from the hands of the people who made and starred in the movie. They were all people who had unequivocally made it and the main thrust of the plot was ‘will these superstars of all stripes make it’? Put two unknowns in it who have their careers launched by it and it’s a completely different story about the way I feel about it. It was a story about the 99 percent of people in the industry told by the 1 percent like they’re at the bottom of the 99 percent (this is an industry of many extremely talented people who will never get to do what they believe they’re capable of, because there are so few of those roles available). To me, it was borderline offensive because of who told it rather than the underlying story to it. I saw almost all the nominees that year (didn’t see Fences or Hacksaw Ridge) and had something do with 4 of the nominees that year and about lost my s*** when La La Land was announced winner for about 15 seconds (I badly wanted Moonlight to win).

Hugo was very heavy handed and preachy but the underlying story about creativity managed to be very moving to me at that very particular point in my career where things had been ripped away from me for no other reason than that I became too expensive at the height of a world and industry recession (late 2009 on the back of the threatened 2008 actors strike the industry had prepared for that didn’t happen due to a splintering of SAG and AFTRA over demands). Nothing else I’d done before the moment my career was ‘ripped away’ mattered and the Melies story resonated with me in a very opposite way to what was presented on screen at a time when I wondered if I would ever get full-time work in Hollywood again (I didn’t and ultimately didn’t need to with a lot of pain, still working today but independently at roughly 60 percent of my peak of almost 20 years ago this year).


I also thought The Artist was ok, but the way they chose to play Vertigo’s score during the climax (you might have noticed, since you said you just watched it) was very weird.
If it’s just that they thought it sounded good (agree obviously) and wanted to use it, why not, but to any one who recognizes it, it just brings back memories of a (much) better movie, completely took me out of it.
(iirc Kim Novak was very unpleased about it at the time this came out, and made some pretty harsh comments lol)