Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

One substantive thing I’ll say: even if I give FFC the benefit of the doubt in believing that his script is likely deeper and more intelligent than it appeared to me while watching the movie, this is not a good-looking movie. A lot of shots that ultimately make me feel like I’m watching lower-tier MCU camera work. You could convince me that there’s more substance there than first meets the eye, but I’m legitimately surprised that I have basically nothing good to say about the aesthetics.

Is this humor?


Is there backstory?

I guess if you know it’s humor going in that’s different.

I’d put Prisoners over everything save Dune II.

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Prisoners is amazing, but boy is it tough to watch.

Tried to think of some 4-runs after seeing your post. Should have read the article before bc all those I came up with were in there. Malick is the strongest, Lynch is good but straight story isnt at the level of the others. Im like you missing movies from the Scorsese blocks but those I’ve seen are great. Overall some pretty good picks in there but I don’t think any is close to Coppola’s.

If you’re willing to go older, Chaplin :

The circus
City lights
Modern times
The great dictator
Is pretty elite

And if you also allow non-US you have Mizoguchi in the 50s

A geisha
Sansho the bailiff
(Geisha is only very good, but the other 3 are goat tier)

And Antonioni in the 60s

La notte
Red desert
(All these movies have Monica Vitti which automatically makes them even better than they already are. His next 3 movies are also pretty great so for a longer run he might be the winner).

About ten seasons and a movie :grin:

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Also good 4 movie runs are fun, but what about most funny ones ?

for instance

Babe : pig in the city
Happy feet
Happy feet 2

Mad max : fury road

(haven’t seen those first 3)


Here is one as a writer

Frank Darabont

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
The Blob
The Fly II
The Shawshank Redemption


Gotta say, this is a surprisingly good 80s horror flick and some of the practical effects are wicked. It’s on my list of scary movies I revisit each October


I don’t know anything about Legal Eagles, but here’s an Ivan Reitman run:

Legal Eagles
Ghostbusters 2
Kindergarten Cop

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Aiming to knock these yet-unwatched blind spots out (in no particular order) during the coming spooky season.


Scorsese had this quote last year that should be heartbreaking to any cinephile

“The whole world has opened up to me, but it’s too late. It’s too late."
“I’m old. I read stuff. I see things. I want to tell stories, and there’s no more time,” Scorsese explained. “[Kurosawa] said, ‘I’m only now beginning to see the possibility of what cinema could be, and it’s too late.’ He was 83. At the time, I said, ‘What does he mean?’ Now I know what he means.”

I guess the one good thing about Megalopolis is that we don’t have to feel the same way about Coppola ? really one of these pieces of art that I’m sure has a lot of meaning to its creator but would have little value to anyone else…funny when it’s a 100+ million movie.

(To say one actually positive thing, I don’t fully agree with LKJ’s comments re: the movie’s looks. in the last 30 mins the movie really shifts gears to finally having some kind of energy and a lot of visual experiments…it’s still a mess but at least it’s interesting…I was hoping that the whole movie would be like this (which was the best possible outcomes given reviews/word of mouth), but unfortunately this comes after 2 of the most boring hours of movie I’ve ever seen so…)


I have a feeling you won’t be indifferent on Tremors. It will be either love or hate (hopefully love)

Also, Dawn should be at the top of your list. I know these aren’t in order, just saying it should absolutely get gotten to this month.

Man, there is some good shit here. I certainly have a 60’s-70’s drama blind spot, but some of these are Godfather tier for horror fans (Evil Dead, Fly, Nightmare particularly.)

Hopefully before I get to The Substance you check out The Fly and can compare and contrast.

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Yeah, I’m excited to get into this list. And I’m aware that Dawn should be of particular priority. Though I was quite aware of all of these movies, this exercise did basically come from Googling for lists and getting reminded of all the “oh yeah, I should have already seen that” movies on the lists. Dawn just took a while to show up on the one I found most useful.

I had no shortage of blind spots in horror and horror-adjacent stuff, last October was the first I watched some really iconic stuff as well (The Thing, Halloween, OG Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, OG Invisible Man, OG King Kong, Texas Chain Saw Massacre). As I’ve encountered some of these recently I’ve temporarily passed on them specifically to just really stack my October watchlist options.

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Tremors will be the most fun.


Looks fun, half ot these I also havent seen but there’s some great stuff on there (dawn&fly especially). 10 cloverfield place feels like the odd one out on this list though (not saying it’s a terrible movie but it’s neither horror or a classic…)

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The trailers and commercials are unwatchable. I couldn’t imagine watching it unless I was a Copolla completist.

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