Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

FWIW I would come up to 3 on this upon further review, it at least has managed to make me think, etc., and it feels like a fairly rich artistic text that wears a really gross skin.

If it wasn’t for all the repulsive body horror I might rewatch it at some point, but given that it’s such a big part of the movie I imagine this was probably one and done. There’s good stuff in it though.

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Grave of the Fireflies is now on Netflix. I will try to watch it for the first time tonight if I can get over this cold. I think it’s the highest rated movie from iMDB that I haven’t seen yet.

I Saw the TV Glow arrived on Max. Would like to watch this at some point.

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Glad you mentioned it coming to Max. I really enjoyed it and think it would benefit from a re watch so might fire it up this weekend.

Yea I wanted to see it in theaters but it only showed for a few days and I missed it

A heist movie by Reichardt??? Um ok, hell yeah.

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Perfect Blue (1997)

Anime remains a bit of a tough hang for me stylistically despite ongoing efforts to get it to click, but this landed better than most of the material I’ve tried so far. Though it’s disorienting by design - another feature of any film I don’t do great with - thankfully it ultimately came together in a coherent way and earned its reputation as a well-woven thriller.

I do still wish that this was a subgenre that didn’t feel like it just carries around an inherent ceiling for me to bump up against when I try to watch it (a ceiling that I did at least reach in this case), but I’ll keep trying to pick the lock on it.



Had some time to kill so I needed to pick a movie. Two movies were showing at the same time Whiplash the 10 year re-release or Am I a Racist? Because I don’t value my time I gave serious consideration to ‘Am I a Racist’, but decided for Whiplash.

I get my ticket, get in the theater and sit down. I start noticing that there are a lot of Christian movie trailers playing, but figured for a re-release who knows what should be playing. Right when the production logo for Daily Wire Plus studio plays I realize Im in the wrong theater and I probably only have a minute to get to the right one. So everyone else in the theater is treated to hearing the first note of the ‘Am I a Racist’ soundtrack play, a guy jumping up and yelling ‘Fuck!’, and then running out of the theater.

I made it just in time to catch Nichole Kidman in the right theater.


Well, the first 6 minutes of Civil War have been god awful.

Reviewing a film after 6 minutes is like deciding it was going to be bad sex when she takes off her dress and her lingerie is red instead of black.


Hard disagree. You can tell a lot in six minutes. Sharknado for example.

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I wish I could tell that when I started Anaconda. Halfway through I knew it was a waste but decided I’d waste the rest of those minutes too because I wasn’t getting the rest of them back.

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I really want to go to the Substance today but I am not sure if I can take it. I’m a huge body horror wimp. :grimacing:

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I really think you’d appreciate what the movie is going for thematically, but it would be tough to overstate how relentless the body horror is. Honestly you’d be making a valid choice either way.


I got talked into into. I’d say there is a 50/50 chance I have to leave part way through based on reviews.


oooo boy, I am anticipating this TR now


Civil War turned out to be decent.


The Substance (2024)

What in the actual fuck. That was the single most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen on film. I’m speechless.

Grade: Fuck you!



I did what I could to warn!


I’m satisfied with this review. Well done!


Should have read this review first

“Gross” does not do justice to this movie’s anatomical perversions. Every ticket sold should come with a commemorative barf bag. - Digital Trends"

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