Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I like Planet of the Apes, but they never did explain how the Statue of Liberty wound up on the Planet of the Apes. Huge plot hole imo.


Not just forgetting things over time, but I find it remarkable how much more I notice as I get older. So a good complex movie can richly reward a rewatch if you wait long enough.

I like how despite having the means to manufacture guns and ammo, the Apes apparently lost the knowledge and means to manufacture nails and work with wood, given the Flintstone houses and the outdoor jails being made of long branches/sticks.

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The apes are kinda dumb, tbh. I can see their society as just not being with it enough to make it to the iron age.

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About to watch strange darling, hype


I liked it, I’d go like 7/10


TikTok kept showing me clips from The Equalizer so I decided to watch it. Enjoyable!


Honest to god, I didn’t know what the twist to the Planet of the Apes was when my parents got the DVD. But the DVD had the twist on the cover.


No spoilers, but what did you think of the cinematography? The more I think about it and do a deep dive into it the more I love it.

Here is a detailed interview with Ribisi for anyone interested. Of course. Don’t watch until after you see it!

I remember that cover too. lol.

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This is a trickier one than most to try to review. I’m comfortable saying up front that it’s good art. I quickly go there because this is a coming-of-age story where you watch an extremely awkward teenage kid (not cartoonishly awkward, but just more socially inept even than the average young teen) bumble through various situations as he bridges the period from middle school to high school in what feels like a very honest and realistic depiction of what one person’s experiences would look like through their eyes.

However, and keep in mind that I say this as a Nathan Fielder fanboy: the cringe very nearly overwhelmed me. There were definitely thoughts of, “Realistic or not, get me the fuck out of here.” That said, I was never going to be able to give this an underwater grade. It’s too well-executed. I just felt for a time that this was going to fall squarely into the “I respect this more than I like it” category. Thankfully, by the end, I had warmed to the experience, and I think - definitely still clinging to the caveats I offered - I did like it, and in fact would slot it into my ongoing top 10 of the (still weak) movie year.


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Oddity (2024): I sorta liked this but not nearly as much as the critics + fans on RT who seem to be raving over it. Lots of jump scares, some plot points that are frustratingly unexplained. Liked Longlegs much better, but it’s okay for an indie horror movie.

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The good news is that I filled one of these gaps.

The bad news is that it was Eraserhead.

My review: unwatchable. Completely unwatchable. I could tell it was never going to turn around for me, and I basically just hung in there with it the whole way because it was short (90 minutes) and I wanted to be able to log it on Letterboxd honorably. (It’s still better than Deadpool and Wolverine, of course.)

Blank Check is doing David Lynch’s filmography, so I wanted to try, and now I’m afraid Lynch just generally won’t work for me. But I’ll probably also try Blue Velvet just to be sure.

I did like this joke review I saw for it on Letterboxd.

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How do you feel about Twin Peaks?

My guess is if Eraserhead is a complete non-starter, there aren’t too many Lynch movies you’ll be gung ho about.

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I haven’t seen any Twin Peaks.

I do extend this movie some respect for taking a big swing - that should be respected in almost every instance - but that really only goes so far when I didn’t enjoy a single minute of it.

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That’s true for me. I want to like Lynch and feel he should be perfect for me on paper, but the only movie I fell head over heels for was Mulholland Drive.

I mean I’m a Yorgos Lanthimos fan, so spamming absurd shit onto the screen can absolutely work for me. But man, this was not it.

I gotta stan for Eraserhead; it’s great imo.

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They must be adding a new “Disney Plus After Dark” section.

(This is just international. It will be on Hulu in the US on the same date. Recommended specifically if you like Lanthimos if you haven’t seen it.)