Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I’m part of a family members Disney plus (registered as such) so now I get Hulu.

Most looking for light fare. Just watched “The greatest Hits” and got good enjoyment. Not everything made sense on the time travel front but solid. B.

Hulk (2003) is both deeper and 100x more boring than I remembered. Must have been quite a novelty at the time to see so much CGI Hulk.

Don’t think your reaction is that uncommon. If I were you I’d just directly watch “Mulholland Drive”, which is both VERY different in style (none of the “diy” stuff that you can find in Eraserhead and in a bunch of other Lynch incl. The Return) and much higher quality (than anything else tbh). “Blue velvet” isn’t in the same league imo.


To all recalcitrant souls who have still not seen it: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly will leave Prime Video at the end of the month. With no sign that it’s just popping over to another major service next month. You should probably watch it.

Since the other Dollars movies are doing likewise, I’ll endeavor to get For a Few Dollars More hammered out in the next six days also since I haven’t seen it and people rave about it. Admittedly wasn’t super into A Fistful of Dollars, so that surely slowed me down from getting to it.


I haven’t seen a movie run this strong of a PR campaign since Unfrosted.


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The writer/director of Blue Ruin and The Green Room has a new movie coming out on Netflix next week. Color me excited!


Saw a ton of memes about prometheus lately so sat down to watch it. Hated it lol


Sad, I like it, I’ve only seen alien 1 and 2, Prometheus and Romulus but have liked them all

About to see AMC screen unseen at 7, hoping for slingshot

I kinda like Prometheus, tbh.


I liked it a lot more on recent viewing, but initially I found it hard to overlook how dumb some of the characters were. Can’t beat the cast though.


Yo slingshot should generate some discussion, don’t think I liked it though

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Decided to bang out one of my “you haven’t seen that?” movies. Also partially as a tribute to my cat.
For those not following the pet thread, we had to euthanize her last week (her name was Ripley - got her from the humane society, so don’t know if she was named after the character or not).

I actually didn’t know that much about the movie going in. All I really knew was the ship name, Sigourney Weaver’s character name, and the scene with the chest.

It didn’t look like a movie that was 45 years old, so I have to give it praise just for that. The most shocking thing to me was not any of the alien stuff, but a scene right at the beginning - WTF there is a cat in this movie? Actually had to spoil myself by asking my wife if the cat was going to be okay.

Much like older movies that I hadn’t seen until recently like 12 Angry Men and 2001, I was hoping that this would be a 10/10, but it didn’t quite get there. Some of the dialogue bugged me (like the two guys discussing getting paid less, which I thought was going to be a thing in the movie, but it didn’t really go anywhere) and the reveal of the android didn’t do much for me.

But I don’t mean to degrade the film. It’s great. The right amount of shock and horror that probably creeped out the audiences of 1979.



Condolences for Ripley :heart:

You gotta watch Aliens next.


Pretty much agree with everything you said. Comparing the special effects to Star Wars it looks way less old and out of date.

The interior of the alien ship especially is spectacular imo.


and then stop, don’t watch any of the others

maybe alien3 only if you’re a Fincher completeist


I’ve specifically not become a Fincher completist by not watching this movie because I adore the Fincher catalog and don’t want his batting average for me to be ruined.

(But Mank kinda sucks, so I’m not pretending he’s batting 1.000.)

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Correct. Don’t watch it.

But maybe watch this for a vision of what could have been.

I also loved this one for the proposed sequel by Neil Blomkamp.

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Double Indemnity

Pulled from the “haven’t watched this in over 15 years” bucket. It’s even closer to perfect than I remember. As classic 1940s noir films go, I’m now inclined to put it above The Third Man.

I never watched My Three Sons, but it’s funny for me to think that Fred MacMurray maybe played something akin to a Ward Cleaver character when I primarily know him as a shitbag in this movie and The Apartment.