Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

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Good thing they used AI. A human never couldā€™ve made up those quotes.


Fall follows two women who climb a 2,000-foot-tall (610 m) television broadcasting tower, before becoming stranded at the top. Currently free on Roku channel.

Remember it being very good. The opening rock climbing scene alone is instantly startling.

Gonna watch this and then double feature it with the excellent Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Thank the gods for free streaming options.

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I liked this. Sort of falls apart a bit in the end but is a fun ride.

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I kinda liked the ending despite the criticism I read. I just like movies about people trapped in one spot, eg Open Water, Frozen, The Descent, Buried, The Shallows.

Thinking about it Iā€™d probably rate it slightly higher, not bad, but it didnā€™t grab me. Iā€™d say if you like Tarantino, whose style, without the humor, it reminded me the most of, then give it a shot.

Me too. I like all those movies also. Surprised they donā€™t make more as they have to be way cheaper to make.

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Decided I wanted to rank them cause why not.

  1. The Descent
  2. Open Water
  3. Buried
  4. Frozen
  5. The Fall
  6. The Shallows
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I put Descent way up there too. Quite a dip in quality for part 2 but I enjoyed it.

I was surprised Buried worked as well as it did. Goddamn that ending :flushed:

I didnā€™t realize until looking over them that thatā€™s the trend. Edge of your seat ride with a bleak as hell ending.

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Some missing titles:

127 Hours
Poseidon Adventure
Duel (1971 TV movie directed by young Spielberger)


Good additions.

I also forgot about All is Lost, a terrific old man Robert Redford movie. Aside from a couple of voiceovers, heā€™s the only person in the movie about a man stuck at sea.

Just watched prey (2022). An improvement would have been the Comanches speak their native language and use subtitles. It took me a little out of the story to hear them talk in modern American English.

Action was great. B+


There is a Comanche version, but I donā€™t think it has subtitles

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I feel like it does, pretty sure I watched with subtitles for the Comanche version

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This is a pretty good list, but the murderboner the shark has in The Shallows moves it up a spot for me.


Sing Sing

While obviously Iā€™m aware of the real life penitentiary of the same name, I went into this movie fully blind and didnā€™t really have any knowledge of it at all outside of its Oscar buzz and the fact that Colman Domingo is the star. It delivers nicely on the buzz, and Iā€™m absolutely here for the Colman Domingo moment. People have called him the odds-on favorite for Best Actor next year based on this performance, and I can definitely see it. He has charisma in spades, is highly watchable at all times, and shows a lot of emotional range.

Iā€™m a sucker for a good platonic love story. It honestly feels a bit underutilized across film, but when done well itā€™s a great thing to experience, and this film did it well. This will be a worthy entry into the next Oscar field if the buzz is on point. One of the best 2024 films to date.



The Lighthouse is so damn good.


Following this up: this also means that I definitely had no idea that most of the cast were former real life inmates who had participated in the program that the movie portrays. The top supporting character was played by Clarence Maclin, and I spent a non-negligible amount of the movie going, ā€œwho IS this?ā€ because he has a really distinctive look (read: distinctive gap between his front teeth) and does a great job, and I wasnā€™t sure how I had missed him entirely before. Well, this was his first movie, and the quality of the performance is astounding from someone who is apparently a greenhorn to film acting.

Thereā€™s quite a bit to unpack with this movie. I look forward to watching it back again when itā€™s on streaming.

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Buffalo '66

I loved this movie. Itā€™s a shame everybody hated vincent gallo afterwards and he never made another good movie.

I also like how amazon gives these little trivia bits when you pause

5 bags of popcorn

On a related note (and this should probably go in the anger thread), I hate it when the original language version isnā€™t the default that pops up or at the very least is easily available.

When trying to watch Shogun, it took 3 tries to get an undubbed version. Also I donā€™t think I ever found a version of RRR that was in the original language. It was only available in Hindi everywhere I looked.

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