Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Agree with you that the final twist wasn’t great. Disagree on the others but it’s been so long since i saw it i barely remember specifics (but I loved it at the time and still think it’s his best one)

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Fair. I just didn’t like him flipping the twist back and forth. It’s all real! Just kidding. Wait, but it is all real! Okay, just kidding again. I had whiplash.

It’s probably my favorite Shyamalan movie too despite that last bit.

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Speaking of,


It’s weird. I’ve obviously seen Haley Joel Osment plenty of times in his adult roles, but it’s still so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that he’s the kid from The Sixth Sense, A.I., etc. He was just such a legendary child actor that I almost can’t accept him as an adult, even though he’s excellent in everything he does. Seems like a cool dude.

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Greatest movie poster of the last 30 years?

Greatest actress of our time?


IDK about greatest but damn is that up there with The American.

Damn 1992 okay well maybe you’re right


I, uhh…no.

She is good though.


Looks like she’s the director of that film as well. Looks very interesting

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Anna Kendrick is considered a good actress? :harold:



My first time watching a classic. I have read over and over how good Denzel’s performance as Malcom X is but never gave it a shot. Amazing so far.


A Simple Favor is dumb as hell, I felt that way the whole time I watched it, and I couldn’t look away. And I feel like watching it again. And since I don’t have a ton of respect for it, I’m also happy it’s getting a sequel.

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It’s not going to get worse.

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Same lol

I will love her forever for her performance in Up in the Air. But that’s cheating a little since the movie itself is so good.

Yeah same, she’s honestly not one of the primary reasons IMO that the film is so good, but she’s good enough in it.

Most of the time u resent what bad material she’s stuck with. She carries A Simple Favor on her back.

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Full spoilers ahead.

I mean “the best aliens movie since aliens” isn’t saying much