Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Disagree. I’ve been underwhelmed by all of them since Resurrection. If it’s better than 3 and 4, I’ll be very pleased.

Every Body (2023)

A documentary by the woman who made RBG. It’s about intersex people and mostly features three bad ass intersex people and their stories. It also tells the history of intersex surgery and gender assignment at birth and makes the, sadly not obvious, case that this is morally and medically wrong. There is nothing to correct.

The history of silence over intersex people is highlighted by my never having heard of Dr. Money even though I’ve read countless books on history of sexuality. I taught a course on the anthropology of gender in the 90s for Christ sake!

It’s not the most ground breaking documentary from a style or structure perspective but it’s important material that needs to be seen widely.

@RiskyFlush posted a video of theirs over in the Transkids thread of an interview with the director. It’s also highly worth watching.

Streaming on Amazon.

Grade: B+

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Hooray! I’m glad you watched this and liked it. I keep meaning to read the memoir by Alicia Roth Weigel, who was one of the three subjects of the doc.

All three are such strong subjects, but that makes sense when hearing that the director chose the subjects based off her insight into whether they could weather the storm of attention they’d receive after the doc came out.

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Oh cool I am going to get that too.

My girlfriend and I were discussing that we wish there was some acknowledgement in the film about their obvious classical beauty and how that has affected their activism as intersex. Maybe they discuss it the book. They do make a few good jokes that hint at in the movie.

The film sort of hints at the non-binary beauty standard thing you posted about in the other thread but doesn’t really take it head on. It felt like a bit of an oversight.

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That is a good point. I think Alicia is likely to go into that since she is very pretty and has used it to push back when people attracted to her say they are anti trans or anti intersex.

The other two subjects, especially Saifa, were so insecure about their bodies that I didn’t really see them as classical beauties invoking privilege into their activism, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t appreciate unwitting privilege.

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Axel F, the Beverly Hills Cop sequel streaming on Netflix. Watched on a treadmill.

It’s fine. It’s nice to be reminded of the earlier movies. (I think I like BHC 2 more than most people.) But if the high point is that you’re reminded of a really good movie from several decades ago, you’re better served just rewatching that really good movie. It’s effectively the same experience as watching Coming 2 America. Congrats to Eddie and company for cashing that check, I guess.

Just watched Boys in the Boat. Hit all the right notes. Feel good sports movie.

I could not get over how much the boat builder guy reminded me of the skates guy in Mighty Ducks.

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Which one is the better movie?

  • No Country for Old Men
  • There Will Be Blood
0 voters

There Will Be Blood is the best movie released in the last 30 years. Or at least that will be true in a couple of months when we pass the 30-year anniversaries of the release dates of Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption.

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I’m hoping some discussion will help me decide. NCfOM has easily been at the top of my list for movies, books, and audiobooks. But then there’s something irresistible about TWBB. From the opening scene, I can’t look away until the movie is finished.


Speaking of The Village:

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They’re both incredible movies in different ways.

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I was afraid you were talking about both renditions of The Village at first.


Rambo FB:2 on AMC currently. I never connected the parallels to Predator.

Googling found

Also someone has made some kind of YouTube Rambo v Predator

And also so some mention that there was a Rambo script fighting an alien.

Rambo is 33% on RT??

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I am going with There Will Be Blood as the superior movie, though I like No Country for Old Men a little bit more. Just personal taste vs objective measure.


Weird thing is while I agree both are awesome they are not really on my rewatch rotation at all.

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No Country is massively rewatchable for me. There Will Be Blood always feels like one I should make more room for because it operates at or near perfection for the whole runtime, but a movie that starts essentially with a 15-minute silent film is one that demands more attention than its 2007 counterpart where you can just happily airdrop into exchanges like

“Tentpoles? You already have a tent?”
“Well, something like that.”
“Well, you give me the model number on the tent, I can order you the poles.”
“Nah, never mind. I want a tent.”
“Well what kind of tent?”
“The kind with the most poles.”


Lol!!! It’s full of funny dialogue. I love when he tries to cross the border after getting out of the hospital.

“We don’t get too many naked men trying to cross the border.”
“I’m wearing an overcoat…”
“Son, are you jerking me off?”

And then he’s saved because he is a clear Vietnam vet.

I also like how Carson describes Chigurh. “Let’s just say he doesn’t have a sense of humor.”

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kingdom of heaven

all the characters i liked were killed too quickly. except for the doctor from deep space 9, he just wasn’t in it enough. eva green was gorgeous but because of the film’s setting there was no way to get her into a bikini and the final product suffered as a result.

wilhelm scream at 1:50:52

2 bags of popcorn