Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)


Melting hot. The first one is almost the best, but there is a fair gap that puts part three way up there at the top.

Did you see the others? Iā€™m still stunned at how bad Crystal Skull ended up being.


Yep sadly Iā€™ve seen them all. Hazard of my past life as an archaeologist.

The first one is obviously classic. Itā€™s just not my jam. I actually like the third one. The rest are awful. The one where he hides in a fridge from the nuclear reaction is top 10 worst movie moments ever.

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I forgot about this! Very cool.

Thatā€™s a fair opinion about Raiders. Sort of how I feel about Wes Anderson movies. I acknowledge theyā€™re good, just not for me.

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Spent my afternoon catching a screening of Lawrence of Arabia at AMC. Iā€™d seen it before, and a four-hour theater sit is a bit of an ask, but since I knew this to be one of the most visually beautiful films ever created (and that it mercifully included a 15-minute intermission to cope with the length). I figured I should see it on the big screen. Still excellent.

Iā€™ve failed to see the majority of David Lean movies so far, but the big trifecta of this, The Bridge on the River Kwai, and Brief Encounter makes for a ridiculous top of a directorā€™s resume. Iā€™ll need to get to others before long. Unfortunately my man was clearly not a big fan of being edited, as his next most prominent movie, Dr. Zhivago, clocks in at 3:20. But I definitely mean to see it.


Iā€™m with you on Anderson too. I just donā€™t get his movies at all.

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I got to see it in theatre once and loved it.

I still use the match cut as a good example when talking to people about film editing. I love how this film looks so much.

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Iā€™ve been watching a lot of young Pacino movies, theyā€™re all fantastic.

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Rotfl. The new Star Wars movie is named The Mandelorian and Grogu.

These people are not even trying anymore. They just assume people will come no matter how little effort they put into the film. Sadly they are probably right.

Easily worst film title of all time.


Solo and Rise of Skywalker didnā€™t do well as expected and I donā€™t think the 3rd season of the Madalorian was very well received. This movie could bomb big time.


Precious: Based on the novel ā€œPushā€ by Sapphire



A much different movie than I expected but overall, this was pretty great. Some fun twists, an interesting whodunnit, and overall some really good performances.



Great movie. Total rewatchable.

In a similar vein, The Island is really good until it turns into a Michael Bay movie.

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yeah agree with all this. M Night is such a talented filmmaker that he manages to make it work, but I feel like if heā€™d dial down just a bit on the ridiculous plots he could really have some all-time great movies. Here the first 30 mins are perfect and itā€™s fun/interesting up to the end, but itā€™s all so artificial that Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s much that will stay with me.

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Whew! Iā€™m so glad you liked this one.

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Agree with you. Thatā€™s where I feel he lost it in The Village. Itā€™s a fantastic movie until the last three twists add up.

Ivy encounters a creature in the forest, and we hear a quote from her father that reminds us their fake creatures were based on rumors of real creatures. If that had been the final twist, Iā€™d have loved the ending.

Instead, the creatures are fake and the one she encountered is Noah?!

Lol at placing this in modern times. It adds nothing to the story except to make the audience go wait wtf?

The latest Blank Check is about Trap and was a pretty fun listen. That is, until I eventually tired of the excessive Shyamalan apologia and turned it off. But I listened to a lot of it. Which makes me part of the ā€œeveryone gets SO WEIRD about Shyamalanā€ thing that I laughed out loud about when they said it.

According to this ep, The Sixth Sense did not have a twist at first. Which checks out to me; thatā€™s why itā€™s a high-quality film even without that. Unfortunately that seems to be the moment when, in Gandalf-speak, he became a conjurer of cheap tricks as a full-time trade.

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Well now I wish theyā€™d go through his whole filmography.

They did. Thatā€™s what normally causes them to check in with updates when one of the directors from their back catalog releases something new. They donā€™t do new releases very often otherwise.

Itā€™s all in there. At least they really savaged Lady in the Water in the way that everyone should.

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Ohhhhhhhhh cool!! Iā€™ll go back and probably realize I already listened and just forgot again.