Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

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Did you see it? She is very convincing on stage but as soon as she has to carry a speaking role…oooff.

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He didn’t GET a leash he created his own damn leash by self-financing his films. That’s amazing. Screw the studio system. And overall it’s been working for him on returns.

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Yeah fair enough, I plead ignorance to his financing and distribution.

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I like M. Night. I haven’t seen all of his films, but The Sixth Sense was obviously in GOAT territory and Unbreakable and Signs are bangers. His others were of varying quality, but I still appreciate his creativity and willingness to take swings.

Also, Haley Joel Osment and Toni Collette should’ve won Oscars for The Sixth Sense.

Also, also, I’m still surprised Osment’s career never exploded. After The Sixth Sense and A.I. (plus, I suppose, Pay It Forward in between), you’d think he would’ve been on a path to stardom. He’s done a lot of voice work, but hasn’t really had much of anything notable since he was a kid. Maybe his talent and look just weren’t appealing to studios as he became an adult.

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It’s quite impressive from a business standpoint.


It seems like he took time away to become a pretty well rounded adult and is back to acting. He had two small but fairly important roles in The Boys and Silicon Valley.

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He is super fun as a guest on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast and he played the role of “Slow Joey” on the TV show version. So he get’s points from me for that.


This always feels like a victory. Nothing indicates that being a child star fucked him up too badly, and that by itself feels like a win given the track record of child stars. He goes back at least as far as Forrest Gump as Forrest’s kid, so he was showing up in stuff really young.



The Sixth Sense was terrible.

And I unfortunately gave him another chance by going with a group of friends to see Signs, which was even worse.

Considering those are two of his best reviewed works, I have zero interest in watching his other films.

Elite movie, one of the best heist movies, up there with The Killing.

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On the bright side, this is a good excuse to revisit that Hannibal > Silence of the Lambs preference.

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He had a great role as a teenager in Secondhand Lions starring next to Robert Duvall and Michael Caine.


He’s a very funny dude as an adult. I also liked him as the spoiled rich kid in the Entourage movie.

Haley Joel Osment also had a great role in The Kominsky Method for a good chunk of one of the seasons as a cult member/leader trying to swindle Alan Arkin (if memory serves). Between that and Silicon Valley, I’m 100% sold on his chops as an adult comedic actor. Based on what he had as a kid, surely he has good dramatic performances left in him as well, but since he grew up into more of a character actor look than a leading man look, it’s understandable to me that his roles veered in one direction.


You’re not kidding!!

HJO was also very good in Future Man. That show doesn’t get enough love.


This is a certifiably insane take. See a doctor and get yourself checked for RFK’s brain worm.


A.I. and Secondhand Lions didn’t work for me even though I was very hopeful for both, so after The Sixth Sense I think the only Osment movie I really liked was Pay It Forward, which I did enjoy despite the fact that it actually included a scene where Kevin Spacey tearfully talks about his abusive father or stepfather pouring gasoline on him before lighting him on fire, including one of the all-time lines of dialogue ever committed to cinema: “he was wetting me down, and I just couldn’t understand why water smelled so bad.”

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Monkey Man (2024): I was expecting just a Netflix-grade John Wick sort of thing, but this delivered a much more fun thrill ride than I bargained for. The pacing felt a bit off in the middle but otherwise big recommend for a Friday night actin movie.


Was watching La La Land back a few weeks ago. I usually watch stuff with subtitles on; I’ve just gotten into that habit. For those who use subs: you know how sometimes they’ll just randomly change words and paraphrase what the character said instead of just subtitling them verbatim? It’s whatever when that happens. No harm done, generally. But this was the worst set of subtitles I’d ever seen. The paraphrasing and changing of words was CONSTANT. Obviously (since I use them by default) I don’t generally consider subtitles to be distracting, but these were distracting because of how far off they were, and I nearly turned them off a few times.

I was eventually kind of glad that I didn’t when I got to the most absurd example yet.
Gosling: “It’s classic rope-a-dope!”
Subtitles: It’s classic ‘winning by tiredness!’"

WTF, man.