Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I gotta see that someday. I’m surprised it’s not on Tubi given how old it is.

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theater news, but relevant to a buncha yall’s interests



Not surprised it tanked. The trailer looked awful.

Good Rewatchables episode. It’s basically all three of them (Bill, Sean, Mal) on the therapy couch. And the dish on Dustin Hoffman was pretty interesting; sounds like he was an abusive asshole during the making of this movie. I’ll store that away and be measured in my praise for him when he kicks the bucket.

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Truly preposterous. Takes a mountain of suspension of disbelief. Fun as hell.

Hartnett is so good but MKSs daughter is such a bad actor.

Grade: first half B, second half C

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What a twist!! Thanks for coming back to review it. I don’t think I’ll be able to see it for a long time, so I went ahead and listened to the spoiler section from The Filmcast.

What did you think of the ending? Anything that worked great or not so great in particular? With spoiler tags of course.

So much of the ending could never happen but it works in the context of the movie. It suffers from MKSs uncontrollable impulse to make something a 10 when a 7 is perfect. He just had to push it every time.

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Awesome. I’ll reiterate what they said on the Filmcast by saying I’m just glad he’s taking these mid budget swings. Sure he’ll put out some bombs here and there, but he’s already proven some of them will be great, and almost all of them will be interesting.

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Even the directors that Blank Check covers don’t usually get THIS long of a leash. Dude is still getting work based on stuff he did 20+ years ago.

On second thought, I guess they did do a Shyamalan series though, so I suppose he’s in that group.


Hey now! Split was great and that’s from 2016. I also loved Knock at the Cabin from 2023. In-between he had terrible stuff like Old, so I stand by my claim.

MKS movies are the closest I come to understanding the so bad it’s good thing. I just go in knowing I have to turn off my brain.

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Wait, is it M Knight, or M Night?


lol my bad. I thought it was knight.


I read the MKS thing at first and could not place it. I thought maybe Machine Gun Kelly was in the movie maybe


Shyamalan hater 4lyfe


Watching Heist and I feel bad reading the personal life and political views section of David Mamet’s Wikipedia.

Listening to HDTGM for The Room.

Goddman I love that movie