Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Pulp Fiction Rewatchables delivers.


This was pretty good. The heist part got me on the edge of my seat. I would say it’s better if it just had better dialogue and a few more twists, but well worth my time from the night. I put it behind other heist movies like Heist and Ronin.

And I see Pluto has a ton of other great selections!!! Almost put on The Matrix, but going with Pulp Fiction in honor of Rewatchable.

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I rewatched it tonight for the first time in over 15 years. I watched it quite a few times when it was new. Brando straight-up sleepwalks through his performance, and De Niro doesn’t get too much to chew on, but Norton is as magnetic as ever, and it will always pain me that the Norton moment was such a short one compared to what it looked like it would be. I do just notch it as a 3/5 movie, but it’s very watchable. Nicely executed finish.

Norton’s frosty reunion with De Niro’s bodyguard will always amuse me. “We gonna get over it or are we gonna drive around pissed all night?”

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That’s a great moment lol

I was hoping the ending would be drawn out just a little more, and I think it shows how much of the movie was just about the heist itself that once De Niro tells Norton to fuck off, the movie is ready to roll credits.

But the movie was really about respect your elders and DeNiro’s character really wanted to get that point home in the most meticulous way possible for the worst effect on Norton’s character possible. It’s a very decent and endlessly rewatchable neo-noir. Norton effed up and the movie was about showing how easily he didn’t need to.

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Oh sure. I don’t necessarily mean the heist needed to last longer, but there were other things like De Niro’s love interest where I’d love to have seen them actually close out the arc, whereas he just shows up with the job finished and all is forgiven. Roll credits.

It was a thumb of the nose at the Hays Code. This movie proves crime DOES pay.

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I listened to the non spoiler portion and they’ve got me hyped to see Trap.

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I listened to The Big Picture’s full-spoiler episode on it and I will say it was a fun listen that made the movie sound watchable. Usually I don’t listen to full spoilers if I intend to see the movie (and I have not intended to see this), but their convo made it sound fun enough that I might consider it after all.

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Sweet! Getting me more confident I’ll like it.

I am going to see trap this afternoon. I’ll report back.

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FYI, the new bundle of Max, Disney+, and Hulu is a pretty good deal: $16.99 per month with ads, $29.99 per month without ads.

If you already have an annual subscription with Disney+, they will refund the unused portion. (Or at least they did for me.)

And people with Xfinity internet can get Peacock, Netflix, and Apple (all with ads, of course) for $15 per month. May have to cancel existing subscriptions, though, I haven’t dug into the T&Cs.

I have a good deal on Hulu/Disney right now, so I’ll probably wait on some of these for when all my promos run out.

Yes, if you have accounts directly with Hulu and Disney+, they can handle the switch automatically. But if you currently subscribe through a 3rd party (like I subscribed to Max through Youtube TV), you have to cancel that yourself.

@clovis8 did you get trapped at the cinema? We are eagerly awaiting your hot take on Trap.

90% chance he’s a serial killer and the release of the movie was all an elaborate trap to snare him.


What a twist!

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If you go back and reread all his posts, it totally fits.


It seems so obvious in hindsight. Surprising yet inevitable.

We didn’t. Got stuck with other stuff. I am going to go this week for sure though.

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