Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I saw Trap. AMA

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Name 5 characters in the movie

Lady Raven
Cooper’s daughter
Merch guy
Mean Girl
Mean Girl’s Mom


Evading capture imo


um what size popcorn did you get

Large popcorn
It was free because it’s my birthday later this month (perks of being an AMC A-lister)

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How many different characters did M Night play?

One, and it was almost too long to call a cameo. He played the uncle of his real life daughter, so it was a pretty big acting stretch for him. The movie is basically a vanity project for his daughter to showcase her music.

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Was the music good?

Also, are there any Shamayalan movies that arent vanity projects?

Better than I would have guessed if all I had to go on was that it was written and performed by M Night’s daughter. It wasn’t brat or anything, but it was passable for fake movie concert music.

I used to be a Mitch Hedberg fan.

I still am, but I used to be too.


I’ve been watching old Siskel and Ebert episodes on YouTube and just came across thier review of Silence of the Lambs in which Siskle argues it’s a terrible movie and Ebert thinks it ok but not great! Ebert says the chase through the house at the end is bad!

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Yup. It’s amazing how often movies that turn out to be cult classics were initially poorly received. Makes me see why people disregard Rotten Tomatoes.

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Watched another one that I guess would have also been a worthy answer to eyebooger’s recent “you haven’t seen that?” question, Kramer vs. Kramer. Great movie, worthy Best Picture winner in a vacuum if you set aside the fact that it defeated a superior movie in Apocalypse Now that year for the honor. Of the BP winners I’ve seen (about 2/3 of them), I’d put it around the middle of the pack, which is a compliment given that the list obviously skews toward really strong work.

Honestly, the only Best Picture winners I’ve seen that I regard as below-average films are Nomadland and The English Patient, both having committed the grave sin of being boring.


Ebert whiffed a couple of times, I think he famously didn’t like The Thing when it came out.

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I was recently trying to think of classic films that I really enjoy (Casablanca, 12 Angry Men, The Sting) vs classic films that I respected but didn’t actually like that much (North by Northwest, 2001 quickly come to mind). Somehow despite its very depressing premise, I love Kramer vs Kramer.


Man, I can get my mind around not really enjoying North by Northwest (though I really do), but 2001? That’s rough.

Within the subcategory of emotional family dramas from the late 70s/early 80s that the Academy absolutely loved, I think I’m inclined to put Kramer vs. Kramer above both Terms of Endearment and Ordinary People. All three really work for me though.


meryl streep going from 0 to full waterworks as she’s doing her monologue in court :vince3:

the office acting

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It’s admittedly been a very long time since I’ve seen 2001. I owe it a rewatch.

Ordinary People was very good, too. The only downside was realizing that Good Will Hunting ripped it off quite a bit, which was a bummer because of how much I love GWH.