Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I read that it’s going to play up humor from tension. Which has me a little interested, but I still think this is such a waste. The original movie is perfect and already in English lol

I saw trap and the least realistic part was

The cops not using lethal force against JH

For sure. The trick to his films is to sort of let them wash over you and don’t obsess about plot mechanics. They are more about mood than story. They are like Nirvana lyrics. They mean nothing and everything at the same time.

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Well this casting is something.


That seems terrible and so does the concept of that movie.

A movie about a guy suing some people for pushing his sextape to the public? Wow fascinating content there

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Hard disagree. It’s arguably the most important legal case in the last 20 years with massive ramifications we are feeling today. It has super weird characters, real drama, and a crazy ending. Played right this could be great.

Affleck as hogan is interesting!


Why plays Peter Thiel? Who’s the best shit-heel actor going right now?

Yeah, I mean the idea doesn’t really pop for me, but the idea of The Social Network probably wouldn’t pop for me on paper either, and the concept may be in the same ballpark. I can’t dismiss it out of hand. Affleck as Hogan is a bit difficult to get my head around though.


I remember seeing the trailer and thinking oh man this is gonna suck hard, but it ended up being one of my favorite movies.

The Hogan Gawker movie could be great if they lean into the satire like I, Tonya.


For sure. I agree it needs to be more I Tonya than social network. All the characters are so absurd I can’t see it maintaining too much seriousness.

Theil is like a cartoon villain and hogans entire life is some weird performance art. Not to mention the whole thing is over a truly odd cuckold sex tape of two old dudes. Throw in gawker and all it’s infamous hijinx and the whole thing screams social satire.

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Francis Ford Creepola

I like it, but how about The Social Network


While I never bought Margot Robbie not being nominated for her acting in Barbie as much of an Oscar snub, I do think it’s a snub that she didn’t win the Oscar outright for I, Tonya. Tremendous performance, easily outshined McDormand in Three Billboards for me.


Never heard of it.

Figured that would be most realistic. He is after all a white man

I just dont see how he pulls off the look, but I probably thought the same about Zac Effron and he seemed to pull it off.

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Oh yeah, Im a Mcdormand fanboi, but Robbie absolutely earned the oscar that year

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He is a huge dude and has been pretty built in past roles.


Kumial nanjani as the iron sheik. Dude’s already beefed up for some reason

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