Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Some of those for me are classics but not necessarily great movies, but I’d suggest seeing The Iron Giant on the merits

Yeah the question wasn’t the best movies you haven’t seen. But the movies that would be most surprising based on you. I have watched my share of classics. I nearly included Birth of a Nation based on that. Not that I want to see a pro KKK movie. But it is a very significant movie in the history of films, and probably the most significant movie I haven’t seen but yeah…

But yeah surprised I haven’t seen The Iron Giant. It was a popular animated film that was released when I was 13. I mean its a happy movie about a boy befriending an Iron Giant right?

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Oh yes a very happy movie! Errr… :grin:

I get it, just noting which on that list I would make a point to see.

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Schindlers list
The godfather and Godfather 2.
Avatar and Avatar 2.

Basically any Marvel movie after Guardians 1

Night of the Living Dead still holds up. My uncle saw that movie at a drive in in the 60s. I can’t even imagine.

Yeah these are good ones, Step Brothers is the only one on this list I’ve seen (it’s good). I don’t particularly intend to see Rocky Horror, but the others are on the eventual checklist.

Mulholland Drive is one for me. And really almost the entire Lynch catalog is a blind spot. I watched The Elephant Man some months ago (it’s fine) and it was the first Lynch I’d seen, I think.

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I hate that Barbie has ruined this for me but Jesus man you need to see the godfather series. :joy:

Elephant man might be his second least “Lynchian” film after The Straight Story which is a truly great quiet little film not enough people have seen.

As a huge film fan, I bet you will appreciate the more “Lynchian” of his films too. Mulholland Drive might be his masterpiece.

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But, like, Barbie didn’t even make fun of The Godfather. It made fun of Godfather fans. I have to think that the whole impetus for the joke was that Greta Gerwig (who has praised the movie highly and called it the GOAT) has had one too many men try explaining it to her as if they understood it better than her.


It was for sure. My quip was because every time I extol its virtues I can’t help but feel like one of those guys. :grin:

Yeah I hear you, I legit had a physical reaction to the joke in the theater, I had never felt so laser-targeted by a movie joke in my life. Recoil in horror, followed by hearing the theater all laughing, which caused a defensive reaction of, “WTF are you people laughing at??” And then sat there in a haze trying to process the reality that I’m an archetype. It’s an excellent joke.

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100%. It was a direct hit. Part of what makes that film so elite.

I haven’t seen Babe


I mixed the last marketing spots for this movie, and had to pull dialog from the feature. There was such a hilarious scene in it I knew I had to see the movie. A few years later I worked on the DVD for it too. It has better character development than the vast majority of live action movies.

But yeah, it will be something when you see it.

By the way the final marketing was essentially, ‘The Iron Giant is great. Ask anyone who’s seen it.’ It is one of the most mystifying bombs in movie history. Brad Bird did ok based on it though.

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I hate seeing previews of Speak No Evil before everything now because I read a summary of the original version, and it’s pretty fucked up.

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The original is great, its this dense deconstruction of the perils of politeness. I highly recommend it.

Im going to assume the remake will be complete action packed, jumpscare heavy garbage.

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Never seen Mulholland Drive either. I enjoyed Blue Velvet as an angsty youth, but I’m not sure I’d want to watch it now.

The Twin Peaks movie was the most fucked up theater experience I’ve ever had. I walked out of that in a stupor. Didn’t help that we saw it with my friend’s girlfriend who was molested by her father as a kid.


Twin Peaks movie is really not something that a non show watcher should see, and yeah the subject matter is pretty damn bleak


I hope you watch it. Great acting, great writing, great reveals, great mystery. I had a hell of a time figuring out what I’d just watched but didn’t care that it didn’t make sense. I’d say it’s both the most puzzling yet most accessible Lynch movie behind Elephant Man.