Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I think they left at 25 min the 3 is for deadpool 3


What can the rewatchables have to say for 4 hours about Pulp Fiction!

Ohhhhh lol me okay then I bet it was Marvel Jesus

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I have watched 0 eps of the rewatchables but I have no doubt that bill simmons could fill 8 hours no problem


Isn’t all Marvel blasphemy? They literally have Thor walking around.


Saw paths of glory recently and it holds up


I understand the argument when people say that no war movie is truly anti-war, but I do think Paths of Glory is among the exceptions.


He says at the beginning before the flashback, but let’s be real, no one left. It’s for the clicks

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Aliens tho

This is performative stupidity


Kevin Smith comeback to sanity?

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Nando is just speculating, but it’s a lot of fun speculation about what the MCU will do with Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom.

Rewatching a movie called The Road, based on a book by Cormac McCarthy about a father and son trying to survive after a nuclear apocalypse has destroyed the world. It’s bleak as hell but always makes me feel hopeful by the end.

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I follow a local video game store on Facebook and they posted a picture of this on Monday. Said the going rate is $150 on eBay (I haven’t checked), but they had a case in storage, so they are selling them for $60.

So I guess Iron Man becoming Dr. Doom or something might be a thing in the comic books?

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Infamous Iron Man is the reverse. It’s about Doctor Doom assuming the mantle of Iron Man, which I’m fine with. I just don’t want this to be some sort of Tony Stark variant.

Wish Mulaney would have said yes. Hopefully he would consider it in the future.

Listened to all 4 hours of Pulp Fiction rewatchables. Pretty great but I’m still not sold the different line readings by honey bunny were on purpose. It always jars me when I watch it.

Obviously an all time great film.

Have you ever seen Samurai Cop? This movie is amazing. Free on Tubi.


haha, yeah I have the Rifftrax version of Samurai Cop.