Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Yeah, the ordering makes a big difference. Jack is just, not sympathetic at all. Its so odd when his book counterpart is such a tragic figure.

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Pulp fiction rewatchables out


I havenā€™t seen Pulp Fiction in 25 years. Should be a fun watch.

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Holy shit, Pulp Fiction and Shawshank were released in the US on the exact same day? (Said on the pod and I verified on Letterboxd.)

Thatā€™s it. In terms of film quality, that release day will never be beaten.


That would be a fun film nerd ranking project. Iā€™d love to see where folks would place the Barbenheimer combo. Or Casino and Toy Story. The Shining and Empire. Etc

I think Hoop Dreams also opened.

Another good one is Blade Runner and The Thing opened same day.

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This weekend:

No Way Out (prompted by The Rewatchables):
This was a fun movie that Iā€™m a little surprised I never saw. I feel like Iā€™m consistently surprised at how good Gene Hackman is in every movie I watch. I did have a few comments/nitpicks (most of which were touched on in The Rewatchables episode):

  • It was interesting that the triggering event (the death of the mistress) didnā€™t happen until 45 minutes in. The pace of movies has just picked up so much that this is almost unthinkable now. This is especially strange, because I donā€™t think it was any secret at the time that the mistress was going to die.

  • The twist at the end, while genuinely surprising, didnā€™t add anything for me. When Ebert (4 stars!) says ā€œuntil a final final twist that some people will think is simply gratuitous but that does fit in with the over-all logic of the plotā€, I clearly fall in that group of ā€œsome peopleā€. I was surprised at Sean and CR gushing about it and how much it changed their perception of the movie.

  • The strategy of ā€œLetā€™s take two witnesses on a walk throughout the entire Pentagon, room by room until they see the witnessā€ was preposterous.

  • I did not see the appeal of Sean Young at all. A 1987 movie vixen should have been right in my wheelhouse, but I didnā€™t find her attractive at all.

A Simple Favor:
A few weeks ago, I think I characterized North by Northwest as a movie that I could see respect for, but that I didnā€™t really enjoy too much. This was exactly the opposite. If I had to rate the movie, it would be a 2.5/4 stars, but I was hooked throughout. This was a gas station pastry or a White Castle slider that is simultaneously gross and delicious - the kind of thing that should be consumed in secret. Iā€™ve always loved Anna Kendrick, but I think between her role in this and in The Town, Iā€™d probably ruin my life for Blake Lively.

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100% agree. When they started putting this in the convo for greatest twist movie ever, I was gobsmacked. Even by the gushing standards of the Rewatchables, that was crazy to me.

Totally agree on this one. It felt utterly stupid the whole time and I was captivated anyway.

Man I have watched some terrible movies lately. The only one worth mentioning is the 1989 Nic Cage classic Vampireā€™s Kiss. It is perhaps Cage at his Cageiest. In the DVD extras (which I did not watch myself) the director and Cage discuss whether either knows what the film is about. The director says he does not, and Cage believes that fact is a good thing.

Heā€™s definitely in the conversation for greatest American actor of all time.

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Hmm, I apparently have only seen 1 of his 5 top rated movies. I should address that.

Speaking of twist after twist, he was great in Heist. Also loved his self deprecating role in Get Shorty.

I liked the twist in No Way Out a lot. I only saw the movie once a long time ago, so I had totally forgotten it.

Sean Young dying was a relief. Every time she was on screen I just felt agitated. Once she died I was happy weā€™d just have good old fashioned guy stuff - car chases, intrigue, fights, etc.

Back in 198x it was a great twist. Of course I didnā€™t spend the whole movie looking for it.

Love how long it took to render the photograph, that and the CD drive or whatever it was in Disclosure are two of my fave tech anachronisms.

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ā€œThe eigenvalue is off. Program a Fourier transform.ā€

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The Marvel Jesus Church of Latter Day Taints


Ok fine Iā€™ll bump it up to a C+ :grinning:


A. What was specifically offensive
B. What did they expect from a Deadpool movie thatā€™s rated R.

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I would have thought it was Deadpool calling himself Marvel Jesus, but I thought that came well after 3m 25s.