Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I know it. I expressed guilt and shame. That’s an incredible movie.

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The list suggests you have a thing for great endings as many of the best in film history are on that list.

“As a comedian, you have to start the show strong and end the show strong. That’s the most important thing. Can’t be like pancakes; all exciting at first, and then by the end you’re fucking sick of 'em.” - Mitch Hedberg

Ending definitely plays a significant role for me when trying to separate the best of the best.

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Is it me, or does link go nowhere?

Broken link for me too

Oh sorry, I know what I did wrong. Link should work now.


Just T2 but not T1?

Yes, though I give T1 a 4.5-star rating. Honestly I had them flipped before I rewatched them during the past year. For a long time I held out against the notion that T2 is the superior film, but on rewatch I was forced to join the herd.


This makes me think I should have gotten Letterboxed a long time ago.

And you should see The Red Shoes (if you haven’t already — not sure how to search your full list)

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Fair enough!

killer list LKJ

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I have seen The Red Shoes. I liked it, but it didn’t resonate as much with me as it does with others. I do intend to give it a rewatch in the future though. I have it logged as a 3.5.

This won’t give you a list, but you can see my ratings this way if you’re inclined to poke through them: ‎WSULKJ’s films • Letterboxd

For reference, this is what my ratings curve looks like.


They are critically successful albums, but very few get on any even top 100 list for the 90s.

97 is an insane year:
Ok computer
Lonesome crowded west
Brighten the corners
Perfect from now on
The Boatmans call

And you still have the best Yo La Tengo album, the best Spiritualized album, Portishead and blur ST and so many others

98 has miseducation of Lauryn hill and in the aeroplane over the sea, two top contenders for best album of the 90s

92 has better albums as well?
Slanted and enchanted
Automatic for the people both are better than the “big” albums from 91 imo.
The chronic
Selected ambient works
Check your head

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Silence is the only one on this list I see worthy of a for certain bump. Whiplash is a personal fav but 4.5 makes sense.

Of the ones I have seen, the only disagreements I have are NCFOM and The Shining

I rewatched Whiplash a few months ago and very much considered giving it the full five, but I wasn’t sure whether I would be rushing or dragging.


Not a Shining fan? Or just don’t think it’s at the five-star level? It’s one that I really feel has only gotten better the more I’ve seen it since I first watched it in the early 00s. By now I think it’s pretty unimpeachable. Aside from the part where ghosts are able to let Jack out of the freezer.


Im an OG King fan, and Jack’s portrayal just never sat right for me as the character.

I can and do recognize its contributions to film and get why people love it, I just can’t completely remove my subjectivity when thinking about reviewing it.

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I do get that, and after I posted I realized that may be the issue. I love the book too. Seeing the movie first probably prevented me from ever processing the movie’s wild departures as an annoyance even after I backfilled the book knowledge later.

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I think everytime I watch it, I would say its a 5 in the immediate aftermath, but there’s always something chewing at my brainstem later on that makes me think it might not be.

I think its always kinda stuck in my craw that Fletcher turns out to be right in the end.

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