Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Surprised you went to this one


I actually liked the first one and even the second one a bit. They took the piss out of the whole thing which was fun. This one loses all its bite or maybe I am just more exhausted by the endless tsunami of superhero IP so donā€™t even find the satire interesting.

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Iā€™d say itā€™s the most American R rating. Lots of swearing and gratuitous violence but no nudity or anything approaching an adult situation.

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Lol I told you not to go! I didnā€™t think youā€™d like it.

Did you at least enjoy them dishonoring Logan in the opening?

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I donā€™t think so. If heā€™s already disfigured, then we donā€™t need to worry about any resemblance. I also think theyā€™ll modify his voice whenever heā€™s wearing the mask.

I guess itā€™s fine if they do go the evil variant route, but boy would that annoy the heck out of me. I donā€™t want a character from a different universe. I want a guy who has recently gone mad from the trauma.

Ya and the Canadian call out was amusing.

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All the violence is so cartoonish I canā€™t see it bothering even a kid.

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Can you believe The Matrix is 25 years old? I was watching it with my family last night, and itā€™s still an absolute banger. My son fell asleep during the kung fu training scene (not because he was bored, though), so we get to finish it today.


I saw it again recently too. Itā€™s elite. Still an all time best opening scene.

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hell yeah


Caught a rerelease in Dolby earlier this year and it still holds up wonderfully. I only give five stars to about 50 movies ever, and I donā€™t hesitate with that one.


Itā€™s so good!! Maybe Iā€™m alone but I also loved Resurrections and have watched it multiple times. I also liked a lot of Reloaded but hated Revolutions. I still think it was dumb to give Neo powers in the real world instead of revealing that the real world was just another simulation.

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Even not having watched Deadpool and Wolverine at that point this:

is a perfect review. If you liked the first two, this movie is for you. If you feel like walking out during the opening credits, do so.

If I want to be critical, one, I think #3 felt too compelled to be even more over the top with both gore and innuendo than its predecessors, and it did so it a way that was more of a distraction from than addition to the humor too often. Two, the ultimate conflict resolution didnā€™t make a lick of sense and felt just sorta slapped on there so that there would be a resolution to the conflict, but really, thatā€™s not why weā€™re watching this movie. And three, this movie seemed to violate its own canon w.r.t. how fast itā€™d take Deadpool to heal, but it sorta had to in order to make a few things work. It might also have been a little too dependent on having seen at least one season of Loki to fully make sense, but thatā€™s less major.

But still, if you think this movie is for you, go see it, and quickly, and do whatever it takes to avoid any spoilers.

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Highest R-Rated Opening of All-Time Both Worldwide and Domestic: At $438.3M worldwide and $205M domestic. Deadpool & Wolverine beats previous record-holder Deadpool from 2016 ($264M WW in like for like markets excluding China, $132.4M domestic).

Ridiculous money :flushed:

Close to half a billion in just the first weekend.

We got our ā€œbigā€ tube TV and a surround system when we moved to MN in 2000. First DVD in was The Matrix. What an experience. We watched it so many times. The older boys were teens.

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This looks great.

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A really fun, pretty dumb, summer blockbuster.

Grade: B+






Looks good. It Iā€™m pretty scared it will be ā€œatheists are evilā€ though.

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Iā€™m not sure about that. Thereā€™s a fun bit in the trailer that asks them to choose a door based on their faith. I think heā€™ll be revealed to have his own quirky religion. The movie seems too smart to take such a simplistic atheists bad approach. He seems to want to observe them making difficult decisions to test their faith, not to disprove it.

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