Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Still no Squirrel Girl movie :(

Robert Downey Jr. returning to the MCU to play Dr. Doom.

Heaviest of sighs.


I had to see it to believe it. Seems like not bad casting though??

I hate it.

I’ll be there opening night.


This is so crazy it just might work? Dr. Doom kinda has to be a camp character, Downey can bring that energy.

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I really wouldn’t have a bad thing to say against it if this was RDJ’s initial entrance into the MCU. He’s a very enjoyable actor to watch. I hope I enjoy it, because I’m not going to be able to stay away. But I hate wrapping up his story as Tony Stark across numerous movies so beautifully and then bringing him back in this way.


One terrible rumor on Reddit is that this will be an evil Tony Stark variant. But I don’t think they’ll go that direction.

Kind of feels like they have to do something like that though? Can they really have the biggest actor who played the biggest character in the MCU for a decade just play a different character in that same MCU? I feel like there would have to be some explanation in the movie.

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It’s easy if they begin with him being disfigured.

Reynolds made it huge, just like with RDJ and Iron Man.
Batman and Spiderman are super dependable, beyond that you need some casting/script

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Scientist: Don’t worry, Dr. Doom, we have a Stark Industries face restructuring machine right here.
Dr. Doom: Whatever you can do, please, just help me.

bzzt clunk zap

Scientist: There you go! Good as n…oh…um…we forgot to change it from factory default settings.

Thing: I don’t care about the settings. Use it on me next.
Scientist: Ooh, sorry, it only works on human tissue.


Oh I do wish they’d picked Cillian


Holy shit thats the daily?

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Lol, wat?

Wont they have to? It would just be really weird otherwise.

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Its also just tough to introduce new mcu characters because you need a convoluted explanation for wvt they weren’t involved the past 30 films. It does remind me of this amazing post though


Yes but the number’s a little high because it includes Thursday night preview screenings


Deadpool Wolverine

This isn’t a movie. It’s a masturbatory meta clip show of endless “hey remember this!” “How about this”. “Wasn’t this cool”. There is no attempt to even try to make an actual movie here. It’s also the least R rated R rated film ever made. It has a lot of fake blood. That’s it.

I liked the first one of this series because it knew how dumb superhero movies are. This one has lost all its bite and is just a YouTube clip show of “cool” moments from the previous 812,000 MCU films.

Grade: C

Of course, it looks like it will make a gazillion dollars.