Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Mid-budget movies were dying long before Marvel came along.

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Give me a list of what you consider mid budget movies. This goes for anyone making this claim.

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I thought the decline of mid-budget movies has been pretty well documented? If it wasnā€™t for Marvel, mid-budget movies would be displaced by some other action-adventure franchise.

Its streaming, not marvel. Those used to be movies that would make tens of millions in DVD sales but now just get thrown on netflix and make the top 10 at number 6 for one day.

Iā€™m probably not going to read that article, but unless that screen shot is inflation adjusted it doesnā€™t even make any sense.

The biggest issue is that in todayā€™s dollars mid budget should be defined as 30-60 and maybe 30-70. Anything below is low budget.

5 and below is probably considered micro budget where a huge amount lives today.

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OK Rhinestone wasnā€™t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Got a couple chuckles out of me here and there. Dolly can obviously do no wrong and Stalloneā€™s primary fault is the script, not his acting. Only real ridiculous thing is this outfit:

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Thanks to a generous donation from a fellow poaster, I went to see Deadpool and Wolverine.

Fantastic. Lots of laughs. Loved every cameo. Not sure how good the movie is for people who didnā€™t see all of the movies and characters theyā€™re lampooning. Shed a tear at finally seeing Charming Tater as Gambit. Holy shit at the return of Wesley Snipes!!

I would rank them

  1. Deadpool
  2. Deadpool 3
  3. Deadpool 2

I do not think Clovis would enjoy the movie, but he should see the first ten minutes.

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I realize that you donā€™t mean it as an insult to this movie, but I get shaken when I see it rated below OG Deadpool.

Certainly seems to be doing monster business. Every Dolby screening near me being slammed for days is nothing Iā€™ve seen since being on A-List (I signed up after Barbie and Oppenheimer had both been out for a couple of weeks). Maybe Iā€™ll catch it early in the week.

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I saw it at a fairly full 10:00 a.m. showing. The theater I went to has 36 screenings today across various formats.

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Yup. I went to a 12:50 screening and the theater was packed.

26 here, and they all look nearly or totally full. Iā€™m okay with waiting a few more days until I assume it will become easier to nab a good Dolby seat.

Not surprised itā€™s successful, but Deadpool is hardly a franchise with universal appeal, so Iā€™m surprised itā€™s a complete box office monster if the tracking and my small-sample observation of local screenings is on point.

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Itā€™s a really fan servicey movie for people who are into the comic books or just comic book movies (even DC)

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Lowest common demominator shit and why i rarely watch movies anymore. Tv series has been better for what 2 decades now?


Yeah, thatā€™s, umm, stupid that itā€™s crushing that hard. But Iā€™m glad lots of movies are having strong box office showings. The reaction to Furiosa being a commercial bomb looks more and more like a big overreaction with each passing week.

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I wasnā€™t really surprised Furiosa didnā€™t do better. I thought Fury Road was fun but nothing that warranted a prequel with a new cast.

Deadpool 3 has the advantage of a killer marketing campaign to get people into seats in the first weekend, and I think itā€™ll have good legs due to word of mouth. People will show up once they hear itā€™s great, whereas something like Ant-Man didnā€™t do so well after the first viewers said lol this is not good. I havenā€™t liked much from the MCU since WandaVision, and lol at everything DC has put out besides The Suicide Squad.

Did you not like The Batman? I wasnā€™t really needing another Batman movie, but I thought that one worked well.

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I wanted to like it but it landed as just ok for me.

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I thought it was quite good. Thanks for reminding me. I donā€™t really see that as a DC offering though. It was more like an independent film from Matt Reeves due to being disconnected from anything else in the DCEU. I was thinking more something like Black Adam, which was terrible in so many ways. Even Shazam 2 just couldnā€™t recapture the glory of the first one. I liked a lot about The Flash but liked it a lot less on a second watch, but I did think Sasha was great as Supergirl, especially the scenes revisiting Man of Steel. I liked Michael Keaton back as Batman, but what stood out to me the second time was how this grizzled old dude who can no longer throw a punch without falling over is able to put on the suit and suddenly be such a great fighter that he can fight Kryptonians without dying within seconds.

Iā€™m probably alone in not being much of a fan of Peacemaker s1.

  • WW okay
  • WW84 lol
  • Shazam 2 lol
  • Joker okay
  • Aquaman lol
  • Aquaman 2 LOL!!!
  • Black Adam ugh
  • Blue Beatle sad to say just okay
  • Suicide Squad terrible
  • The Suicide Squad much better though just okay on second watch
  • The Batman great
  • The Flash okay