Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I mean the era when 9 of 10 dollars went to terrible comic book films. I’m totally fine with them existing even though I hate them. I’m not fine with them squeezing out the entire existence of mid-budget and new IP films.

Funnily enough, deadpool are almost the only marvel films I’ve seen.

I don’t know very much about the film industry. My intution would be that the dollars supporting Marvel movies are never going to go to fund interesting films, they would just go to fund other superficial blockbuster material (on average).

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That’s how it worked for decades. Mid-budget films used to be very common before comic book films took over.

I have no issue with big budget blockbuster films existing. Just when 99% are based on the same exact story.

Again, without me actually really knowing anything about this, it seems to me like the explosion of CGI has opened a door that can’t be closed. Whether it’s super hero stuff of other sci fi / fantasy stuff, my guess is that is what will be made by studios.

I agree they’re boring and repetitive. They’ve been trying to bust up the genre with “but what if the super heroes were actually bad!” stuff for a while now and that seems played out to me as well.

It’s funny what material ends up becoming mainstream. Westerns were the thing for decades. Disaster movies were a thing for a while there. Comic book movies of course for the past several years.

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It’s going to do huge numbers. Deadpool 2 had huge legs. People like this property in part because it makes fun of other superhero movies. I’m surprised you don’t like it.

Deadpool 2 outgrossed its predecessor, earning $785.8 million worldwide, becoming the ninth highest-grossing film of 2018, the highest-grossing film in the X-Men series, and the highest-grossing R-rated film at the time.

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This would be a lot more appealing if the source of the, uhh, witticisms was not Ryan Reynolds.

I’m still gonna give it a go pretty soon though.

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UPDATED AFTER EXCLUSIVE: Marvel Studios‘ and Disney’s Deadpool & Wolverine is settling in at a robust $38.5M, still the best R-rated preview we’ve ever seen at the domestic box office, and the 8th highest preview of all-time.

I’m not the biggest Ryan Reynolds fan outside of Deadpool, but he is fantastic in this role in particular.

I also loved him in Waiting… and Adventureland.

Adventureland works really well for him because he plays an unsympathetic douchebag. By all means, I welcome Hollywood to use him exclusively in those types of roles.

I didn’t really like original Deadpool at all. I skipped the second one. Since this one is MCU and I’ve seen all the MCU movies, I’m going to watch it and I’m hoping to not hate it. The Hugh Jackman inclusion gives me some hope. And I am glad that it’s getting solid reviews.

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I am not sure when I’ll be able to see it so I’ve read a few spoilers. I think you’ll find a few pleasant surprises.

Agree about Reynolds. Unfortunately he tends to play the same character these days. Oh! I thought he was excellent in Free Guy.

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Oh I am very sure I am wrong. It’s tracking for big numbers. I can still root against it though. :grinning:

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The Hugh Jackman of it intrigues me because the best marvel film I’ve seen is for sure the one about him getting old ect with the kid. No idea what that was called and it’s mostly left my memory, but I remember liking it.

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Yes that one!

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Deadpool and Wolverine


I liked it. If you generally like super hero movies or liked the old Fox superhero movies you’ll like this. It’s just a fun dumb movie. Reynolds plays well against Jackman. Jackman does a good Wolverine.

It’s a love letter to all of the old Fox superhero movies.

Shout out to the Canadian pride with a scene were one of the bad guys says something like “that’s the worst thing to come out of Canada” and Deadpool kills him with a quip of “keep my country out of your mouth”


What was the rest of the audience like? Was the auditorium full?

Yea, the normal theater I go to was completely full for all showings in the evening so I actually went to a different theater so I could get a decent seat.

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I don’t know, man. I loved the first two Deadpool movies and am looking forward to the new one.


If you’ve been watching superhero movies since the early 2000s you’ll enjoy the new Deadpool