Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Looks terrible.

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Awww man, they dragged Brendan Gleeson into this?

Looks really bad. But considering how terrible the first one, no surprise.

Weird release date too. Early October is normally a pretty big dead zone.

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I think that means they know it isn’t good. They’re hoping the lack of competition gives people no better option. I think it’ll have a great opening weekend based on how people liked the first one, but it won’t have legs unless it’s actually any good.

Saw there is a movie called Lisa Frankenstein. Hoping it’s something like this.

Eh. Reviews don’t look great and not this aesthetic at all

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not great. Let me give it the most backhanded compliment possible: it’s as positive as I ever feel about a movie while also giving it 2.5 stars. There’s some stuff in it that works. But yeah.

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Non spoiler review. Can’t wait to see it.


ETA: Roeper gave it a 75, and he’s generally pretty reasonable, so I’ll hold out hope

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Ryan Reynolds makes himself at home in the MCU with acerbic wit while Hugh Jackman provides an Adamantium backbone to proceedings in Deadpool & Wolverine, an irreverent romp with a surprising soft spot for a bygone era of superhero movies.

Saw about half of this on the plane today on the screen of the person next to me, which is how I watch a lot of movies. Usually I make up my own dialogue, but this one had subtitles so I knew what was happening. It looked decent.

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Weirdest thing is making a musical sequel to a MAGA jerk off origin story. MAGA being famously into musical theatre!

Thought you were talking about Hillbilly Elegy for a second


Thats a MAGA couch fucking origin story.



WATCH: Lydia TĂĄr DESTROYS woke college student for refusing to appreciate Bach!!!


Audience reviews are in.

Seems about right. It’s not a movie for everyone, and if you’re a critic, you’re going to end up watching a bunch of movies that are not for you. But if you’re the audience, you know right away whether this movie is for you or not.

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Which moment is that?

Smash cut

Sorry to be a wet blanket but I’m rooting hard for this to flop. If does it will be the end of the comic book era which would be glorious.

Not sure how you’re defining the end of the comic book era, but the comic book movies certainly aren’t going away no matter what kind of business this does. Anyway, it’s probably not flopping even though it’s one of the superhero properties that excites me the least.