Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

The last five words of your post sum it up for me.

This is that rare horror movie where even the trailers donā€™t do much to spoil the movie. Itā€™s got lots of fresh takes. I think youā€™ll love it.


Barbarian looks beyond the boundaries of conventional horror movies and says ā€œitā€™s free real estate!ā€


Agree on the last 5 words

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And I love ambiguous weird movies but this felt unintentionally ambiguous by virtue of bad screenwriting. Not intentionally like The Thing or No Country for old Men.

Longlegs director also comes across as a bit of a douchebag to me.

Mind you, in the full quote he says itā€™s not because those movies are bad, but he also goes out of his way to say that him seeing X wasnā€™t his idea. Itā€™s fine to practice reasonable selection and not watch certain stuff, none of us is going to see everything, but itā€™s never a badge of honor to declare proudly, ā€œI will never adventure out and try new things. Now give me a fucking cookie for dinner.ā€ Iā€™m not the biggest fan of the X trilogy, and it still caused me to roll my eyes at him.

I know very little about him aside from him being a nepo baby, but I thought the chapter titles were kind of pretentious. Does he think heā€™s Tarantino?

I liked that. Fit with the 70s vibe I thought. Overall I loved the aesthetic of the film.

I thought Longlegs was fine, definitely gets the aesthetics and pacing right.

I liked it a lot but itā€™s def not special or anything

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Big problem with Longlegs was the excessive makeup they put Nic Cage in, you gotta trust Cage to deliver the goods with his natural god-given creepy face or what are we doing here. In a dumber movie it would have been fun.

Love Lies Bleeding


Thereā€™s a good story here and even an ending but it seems like the writers got to that one pivotal scene, that one that small indie movies have, that needs to happen to make or break your movie and they tried to knock it out, couldnā€™t, got frustrated and said fuck it ā€œ??? magical surrealism ???ā€ and then finished the movie like they did, in fact, write it.

Points to Ed Harris for looking like a weird mf.


I showed my wife the trailer for this and she was not a fan of the Ed Harris look. She also didnā€™t want to watch it so Iā€™ll give it a go myself sometime soon.

So if you want a legitimately disturbing slasher movie, Sleepaway Camp (1983) is pretty wild. Fair warning thereā€™s loads of sexual menace toward minors and the showā€™s gender politics arenā€™t great. But you do get to see a guy get killed with bees, something The Beekeeper failed to deliver on.


That movie is something else. I was legit surprised by the twist. Fun fact: the African-American cook who takes over for the pedo was played by James Earl Jonesā€™ father.

If you are interested in another unhinged slasher flick with no pedophilia, I recommend Death Spa. In a genre famous for gratuitous nudity, Death Spa may set the bar.

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Heā€™ll be back July 25 :popcorn:

Iā€™ve spent decades - DECADES - believing that Brooks from Shawshank was Lloyd Bridges. Nope. Itā€™s unsettling to be wrong about something for that long.


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I am honestly perplexed at how you thought that was Lloyd Bridges


I mean itā€™s not like I can defend it or something.