Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Thanks, threw it on my list for tomorrow. Love the concept and cast, so hoping the ending isnt too much of a letdown.

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Iā€™m trying to break the habit of thinking ā€œI donā€™t have time to watch a movie right nowā€, only to spend the following 90 minutes mindlessly scrolling on the phone.

So I watched Dr. Strangelove for the first time since high school. 2 things stood out:

  • I mildly disagreed with LKJ about his role in The Godfather, but I have to admit Sterling Hayden just does not seem to be a good actor.

  • Boy oh boy, George C. Scott is basically Tim Robinson before Tim Robinson. Upon googling, I am apparently the billionth person to have this realization.

Anyway, good use of time.


Itā€™s not the worst sort of ending. It doesnā€™t retroactively make the rest of the movie worse or anything.


I have similar sentiments to express about the 1986 Sylvester Stallone classic Cobra. Ninety straight minutes of Stallone making c h o i c e s. He is in full command of his powers and wields them with reckless abandon. Whether itā€™s policing or eating pizza, Cobra simply refuses to play by a single rule. I dare you to watch the first 15 minutes of this movie and then not stick around. A+.


Dropped this in a group text with my friends last Saturday after that uhh thing happened


That is amazing and I hope your friends appreciated it, and you.

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Twisters is a very strong genre pic. Donā€™t expect more than that and youā€™ll have a great time


Not so much lol

Holy shit, just read that the director of Twisters is the same guy who made Minari??? Now Iā€™ve gotta see it.

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Style over substance with and incomprehensible plot and not in a good way. I am a huge horror wimp and didnā€™t find it scary at all.

Grade: C-

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Agreed but I hate the great small film to mega blockbuster pipeline so much.

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I just have a hard time seeing him as anything but distractingly bad in this scene. The scene works in spite of him.

I donā€™t mind the second sequence with him when they go to the restaurant.

Iā€™m pretty sure the fact that I didnā€™t happen to see this one on opening night doomed the chances of me really ever being all that likely to see it. It looks like the type of movie that Iā€™m probably only interested in if it had a really strong consensus, and Iā€™ve seen too many reviews like this. Perhaps I would come out on the positive side, but Iā€™m just far too pessimistic about the chances of that at this point.

So I guess what Iā€™m saying is: thank you for your service.

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The more I think and read about it the more I hate it actually. Itā€™s really a terrible script that makes zero sense. There isnā€™t even an attempt at telling a coherent story. It feels like he cared only about the mood and put zero effort into the plot or characters.

Itā€™s more of D Iā€™d say.

Yeah, it feels like the opposite of Barbarian to me which only upped my desire with each review of ā€œread nothing about this movie but go see it.ā€

Iā€™m getting nothing of the sort from Longlegs

I admittedly still have to see Barbarian. Happily, all this time has passed and Iā€™m still entirely unspoiled on it. Itā€™s definitely on the list.

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I think youā€™ll enjoy it. Its certainly one of the fresher horror movies to come out in the 2020s

Barbarian was awesome. Still has one of my single favorite moments Iā€™ve ever seen in a film.

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I donā€™t think the plot is incoherent - itā€™s just dumb.

To get into heavy spoilers:

The FBI has been tracking a string of killings for decades where whole families are killed by the father before the father kills himself. There are coded messages from Longlegs at each of the crime scenes, so the FBI thinks that Longlegs is making the families do this, but doesnā€™t know how.

It turns out he worships Satan and makes magical Satanic dolls that when given to the families make them do the murders. Also, the protagonist was visited by Longlegs as a child but she forgot all about it and he made a doll that controls her but also makes it psychic. Also, the protagonistā€™s mom made a deal with Longlegs that she would be his accomplice by bringing the dolls to the family so that the protagonist could live.

So OK, kind of weird but the execution also left something to be desired. I think a better ending would have involved the protagonist assuming the role of accomplice to protect her bossā€™s daughter. Maybe thatā€™s actually what happened, but it wasnā€™t made clear.