Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Glen Powell is a fellow listener to Ringer movie podcasts (he brought it up in an interview a few weeks ago), so he’s got that going for him.

yeah I’m on board here, I really wanted this to be a great movie and you can see how it almost could have been

It’s still a great movie

I enjoyed that movie way back when.

My favorite line near the end: “You’re a bad pony.”

I just went to create a letterboxd account and got this popup security question. I am a human and I have absolutely no idea what this is supposed to be.

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I don’t want to split hairs I guess, it definitely wasn’t bad and I’ve watched it 3 or 4 times and enjoyed it every time. but mmmm

Wild. I got some weird looking captcha from Discord that is kinda like the bottom image. But I was asked to click on the entity that does not repeat. Never seen this kind of test.

I think it wants you to click the plant-looking thing on the top left of the bottom image.

(I am a bot)

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I didn’t know he was doing a remake of The Running Man until you posted this yesterday. And now I see this:

DiscussingFilm on X: “Glen Powell will reportedly star in a remake of ‘BACKDRAFT’. (Source:” / X

Gonna go out on a limb and say that I don’t think the young man has the soul of an artist.

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I think the young man is pretty good at cashing in when he’s popular, as he should

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For sure. It’s obviously easy enough for me to scoff at these sorts of crass cash-ins in my seat since I’m not the one being offered a big bag of money to do them. But boy oh boy are these some uninteresting projects. I’d like to think that he could also get a nice paycheck to do just about anything else.

It does kinda feel like 2024 is just Awesom-O 4000 spitting out movies for Glen Powell instead of Adam Sandler.


Twisters was filled with shitty country music and this felt appropriate for the quality of the movie…catchy opening, entertaining at times later on, but would have needed to be a lot cheesier to work as a whole imo
also feels like there was some false advertising with the “S” in the name and the poster with the tornado in side mirror (at no point do they get surprised by a second tornado, such a wasted opportunity)
i was afraid that the movie would go for the “capitalism is the real disaster” discourse, fortunately this was only a minor side plot (didn’t make much sense btw, why whould a real estate investor need precise tornado data if he’s just showing up afterwards to buy property)
Glen Powell I’m still somewhat of a skeptic also…he’s too clean in this
(at least I can confirm that this can be seen without having seen the original…since I have not, I can’t say if there were any callbacks but nothing in this would make you guess it’s a sequel)

As far as good movies go, I watched McCabe&Mrs Miller (Altman 1971) (rewatch, although last time was so long ago that I only remembered the plot)
not sure if it is so well-known that I don’t need to describe it, but this is a “western” that follows a small-time entrepreneur (Warren Beatty) trying to set up a brothel in a small town and gets joined by a madame (Julie Christie) who manages to make it into a success (this then catches the interest of the local corporation).
I think someone here complained about how the west in the last Costner movie felt too clean, and this is the exact opposite…everything here feels (realistically) extra dirty. This is not a plot-driven movie (although things happen), but more about the (mostly bad) vibes of living in a small frontier town, and how small individualities get crushed by capitalism (it is pretty depressing to be fair, although there is still some hope left by the end)
worth mentioning that about 20% of the time there’s a Leonard Cohen song playing, which helps a lot in making the overall gloominess more tolerable.
btw since Shelley Duvall was (sadly) in the news lately, she has a small role in this (as a mail-order bride who has to find a new line of work when her husband gets killed in a brawl)
anyway, this is an easy 5* masterpiece. tempting to say “they don’t make movies like this anymore” (it’s true), but the reality is that even at the time this must have felt like an oddity.

would make for a great double feature with “the great silence” (Italian western from the same era, which is also set in the snow and also very dark. although tbh it might be a stretch to assume anyone would want to press “play” on another movie after either ending lol).

@nunnehi there’s an old post here where you mention doing some work on the sound for a re-release ? if you remember anything you’d like to share, I’d be very interested, this is definitely a movie with an unusual approach to sound (I assume this would be difficult to watch without subtitles for instance).


Twister was one of my favorite movies as a child. I just watched the trailer for Twisters. What in the actual fuck? What is this the MAGA version? FML.

Err, no?

I actually just edited and mixed the commentary for McCabe & Mrs. Miller and my memory is majorly foggy about it (didn’t even remember it being an integrated commentary that had anyone on it other than Altman). I remember there being a dumb tech issue with Altman’s recording that was very irritating to me, but beyond that I remember almost nothing about the commentary, and the movie didn’t really stick with me that well at that time either and I haven’t revisited it since.

Going back and looking at the release date and what the commentary was, it was June of 2002 which was toward the 4th quarter of the first year I was working on commentaries. That probably would have been around number 20-40 of what’s now probably nearing 900 movies for me. I’m surprised I have so few memories of this one, due to its status as a movie, but there are definitely some titles I’ve worked on that I can barely remember anything about anymore even big ones like that.


I love this movie and Cohen’s soundtrack. I asked him about it the one time I got to talk to him for any real length.

The story of the collaboration is cool.

I miss Cohen so much.

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PSA: this is on Max now. I still think this is in the top 10 so far this year despite its flaws.


Been looking forward to this and watched it last night. Totally agree with you. Ending didn’t ruin it for me but they didn’t stick the landing on an otherwise very enjoyable film.

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