Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I saw it once in the theater, and while it obviously doesn’t measure up to the greatest trilogy of all time, I definitely don’t remember it sucking.

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I think this has long been part of Gz lore. It’s pivotal in the Monarch series.

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Making a list is hard because i have no reason to have watched any of their movies that aren’t Toy Story 1 or 2. Maybe i saw Bugs Life as a kid, who knows.

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To varying degrees, Ratatouille, Up, and Wall-E are not kids movies. They all have elements that are appealing to kids, but are just great movies on their own.

And as for Toy Story 3, holy mother of God did I cry in that movie.


Threads. Packs a punch.

Yeah, there’s a pretty big difference between a movie being accessible to kids and being exclusively appealing to them. People get much too hung up on dismissing animation as a valid medium.


Cars is a good movie. It’s not in the elite Pixar tier, but it’s good.

My son was obsessed with it when he was little. Watched it every day. He’d sit there, engrossed in the movie, while lining up all his Hot Wheels very carefully on the oversized coffee table, like he was a toy car valet.

That sounds familiar from what I saw in the theater

The Finding Nemo musical at the Animal Kingdom is pretty good

You’re missing out. All ten of the movies on LKJ’s list are between very good and outstanding.


My wife is like this unfortunately. She has missed out on a lot of great shows (Arcane, Blue Eye Samurai, etc) because of her aversion to the medium.



I watched the attack portion. This looks gnarly. The effects in the Attack video are more than effective. People are vaporized in the blast :flushed:

There’s a terrifying sequence where they say it takes like thirty minutes for the nukes to reach their targets, so the people in Kansas know something is coming and can only just hide and hope. Then there’s an EMP that disables all of the cars. Good luck getting out of the city.

What was the British equivalent called?

I still do them, but nothing like in the Golden Age. Fortunate to do 10 a year now.

May have posted on this before.

On a flight to Europe I watched UP and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo back to back.

I cried during both. For very different reasons.


Wall-E radicalized a whole generation and created the antifa super soldiers


Damn those woke robots!

Yeah, given how hard the Cars franchise resonated with kids, at some point grown ups have to start making a distinction between “not good” and “not for you.” Yes, we’ve been spoiled by “kids” movies that have a ton of adult appeal, but we shouldn’t strictly equate broad popularity with quality (yes, I say this as a guy running a popularity contest among TV themes right now as a proxy for quality).

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To show how fucking sick that list is lets go to IMDB

That 10 is just straight must watches. Really a shame they have fallen off


Right, but I mean it’s clear when we say “good” we don’t mean “good for kids” (which is different, but also a much lower bar).

For instance, I watched the Toy Story’s with my kids (for me this was a rewatch for 1-3 obv) last year, and :

Toy Story 4 is “good for kids” (my daughter cried for 5 mins at the ending)

Toy Story 3 is “good” (I was the one who cried at the end…when he takes the toys out of the box and plays with them before giving them to the little girl :sob: )
(I think this one is my favourite Pixar)