Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

The Watchers


A woman’s car breaks down and she finds herself in a house in the woods with three strangers and mysterious monsters that hunt them at night.

Wasn’t formulaic, the mystery was maintained throught the movie and the characters were well written.

Didn’t blow my mind but I was entertained.

At work and in the break room two undergrads (ages 20-21) were talking about the best Pixar movie and they both said Cars.

What is wrong with kids these days?


Definitely doesn’t crack the Pixar top 10. Which isn’t great since there’s only 27 of those movies.

I dont think it cracks the top 20, and the sequel is likely last or next to last

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lol there are 2 sequels

And a spinoff !

Cars was probably the chronologically first Pixar movie to be not good ?

Meh, after the top 10, the Pixar catalog becomes a list of movies ranging from “watchable, but whatever” to being actively below-average, and I tend to put Cars in the former category. I didn’t hate it, but that was during a period where Pixar was just putting out banger after banger and it did stand out as a weak spot.

confusuingly Planes is not a Pixar film

Wasn’t a big fan of A Bug’s Life. I tend to put Cars slightly higher.

I meants the first sequel. Cars and Cars 3 should be positioned right next to each other as they are essentially the same movie

What ? You’re right, that is confusing…

My bad I went from memory without checking the timeline, I guess this one kinda sucks too

Edit : i checked and there are way fewer Pixar movies than I felt there was ? They had a great run but it’s more for 5 movies than 15
Edit 2 ok the correct number is 9

A Bug’s Life is great. WTF


I mean they crushed it pretty consistently for like 15 years, from original Toy Story through Toy Story 3. Then they jumped from Toy Story 3 to Cars 2 and Brave and suddenly the wheels were off. Now they can do something great once in a while, but any notion of them as a reliable studio is a relic of a bygone era.

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Boy making a list of top Pixar movies, let alone selecting a #1, is really hard. Toy Story (all of them), Ratatouille, Up, and Wall-E are probably my favorites.

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  1. Toy Story 2
  2. Toy Story
  3. Toy Story 3
  4. The Incredibles
  5. Coco
  6. Up
  7. Ratatouille
  8. Inside Out
  9. Finding Nemo
  10. WALL*E

Something like that IMO. But there’s a bunch of really tight margins in there where several of the movies could move multiple spots in either direction. I do feel pretty solidly like those movies are, in some order, the top 10 though. Plenty of room to debate exactly where in the top 10.


When I watched Godzilla M1 this weekend, a scene came up that I don’t remember from the movie.

After the main character gets back to Japan there is roughly a 20 second scene where somebody tests an atom bomb at Bikini Atoll that blisters Godzilla’s skin and explains how he goes from fairly small in the initial encounter to the behemoth later.

Did I miss this in theaters? Was it added at some point? I absolutely cant remember that scene from the theater cut.

Ratatouille, Monsters Inc and wall-E have all gone up for me lately while Up, Nemo, and Toy Story 2 have gone down.

Man, the last 5 years have been abysmal. TS4 was fine but the weakest of the series, then onward, soul, luca, turning red, lightyear, and elemental.

Of those ive only seen Soul and it was… fine. Everything else looks as though it wouldnt hit for me based on all uve seen about them.

I was never a Monsters, Inc. guy, I tried again in the past couple of years and I still think it’s just okay. Nemo sadly went down for me on rewatch also; I would have had it near the top before I rewatched. Toy Story 2 holds up beautifully for me.

It sucks. It’s bad. I’ll still watch the eventual Toy Story 5 that has been confirmed, but TS4 was such a step back for that series.

Thata because it didnt need to be made. TS3 is about the best capper on a series you could ever get and then this happened.

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