Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

The amount of scenes in the new one which are just showing scenes from the original is insane.

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I liked Batman Begins because it doesn’t leave me in a state of anxiety and dread like TDK does.

I’ve watched Batman Begins and TDK twice each. They’re good/really good movies and I’m guessing I’ll watch them yet again at some point, but at this point I don’t care whether I do or not. They occupy a weird spot in film only because the reaction to them seems so over-the-top to me.

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I almost walked out of it something I have only done a couple times.

Very much agree. On second watch the characterization was even more off putting. I loved the one line in Justice League where he explains why he was so quick to accept Bruce’s invitation to join the Justice League.

“I need…friends.”

This is taken to bizarre territory in The Flash. Maybe it would have played differently if Barry had been able to be surrounded by things that felt grounded instead of equally comi…equally goofy.

My bizarre thing I didn’t like about The Flash was how he ran. They basically turned running into skating, he glided rather than moving his legs.

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Agree. That one scene of him fish running at regular speed was hilarious but otherwise just wat?? And then the director saying the bad CGI was supposed to look like that???

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Not wrong.

Wonder if his music sounds super sped up with him or super slowed down like everything else :thinking:

The story of the engineers who sacrificed promotion, postponed retirement, and dedicated their lives to stay with NASA’s farthest-reaching mission: Voyager.

It’s Quieter in the Twilight combines the director’s love of history, space, and science to spotlight a dynamic underexposed in tech: aging, quiet dedication, and the power of multicultural collaboration in the pursuit of discovery and exploration.

Lovers of science will want to check this one out ASAP. It has all of the magic and awe of the classic movie Apollo 13–and even a little of the suspense and intrigue. The documentary continues into the pandemic, when diminishing resources means the project could die as suddenly as the people involved.

What’s most compelling for me is connecting to the lifelong careers of the people involved and what they’ve done to fill out their lives and explore new galaxies at home, all while following the paths of Voyager 1 and 2 through never-before-explored interstellar space.

Silly for them to question what will happen to the satellite after they lose control and communication. Star Trek has predicted the future correctly every time, no?




While recovering from an abusive relationship, Joy joins her friend’s therapy group on an isolated mountainous retreat. Led by a doctor with experimental methods, the group is soon forced to confront a monstrous entity.

Reviews compare it to The Descent (for better and for worse). I’m going in!

Has anyone seen American graffiti? I watched like half last night and seems shit. Should I continue?

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I’ve seen it a long time ago. If you didn’t like the first half, no need to finish imo. It’s mainly about nostalgia for the early 60s.

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Not really, it’s a coming of age film set in that period.

George Lucas: You just never know with these things. I made More American Graffiti and it made 10 cents. Just failed miserably.

I enjoyed the sequel to The Descent, but it was a drop in quality from the first.

Dark Nature is what I would expect if this were the tenth entry in a Descent franchise. A lot of the same swings, but they don’t quite connect.

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Marvel really ate DC’s lunch with the Flash. They stole the character and then completely nailed the movie version. Looks 20 times better than what DC came up with.


Three young contestants sneak inside the home of complete strangers as part of a popular yet highly illegal game. The game requires the three players to stay within the home for eight hours without being discovered.

At the End of Eight is as unsettling and intense as the first Don’t Breathe (with an equally problematic ending). Holy shit this was good.

Check out the opening scene of the movie wtf…

Christ on a pogo stick I never want to go running alone again.

Watched the original Rocky 15+ years ago, really enjoyed it, skipped the sequels because that’s what I tend to do with sequels. 15 years of hearing praise for the sequels later, I’ve finally delved in.

Rewatched the original first. Truly a classic, a great character movie that is perfectly paced and culminates in one of the most gratifying finishes that you’ll find in any genre of movie. I liked this second viewing even more than I remember liking it before.

Part II: pretty stupid plot, but the rematch with Creed to close out the movie is honestly every bit as compelling as the great fight at the end of the original.

Part III: a lot more entertaining than part II, and I say that while not even really liking the Hulk Hogan scene. The Rocky/Apollo friendship is just very fun, Adrian having gained the confidence to give a credible motivational speech is enjoyable, the whole thing does work well. That said, the Rocky-Clubber fights are not as fun as the Rocky-Creed fights.

Part IV: okay, so by now I’m acclimated to accepting that you just have to let yourself enjoy the camp in Rocky, but this pushed the limits even by those standards. Rocky flipping all of Russia to his side was too absurd to just enjoy. I do think there was a lot of fun here still, and I do think Drago was the strongest foil to date, but I also didn’t really like the Rocky-Drago fight to the extent I was hoping I would. This movie, more than the others, forces you to enjoy it ironically by laughing at its absurdity, because just losing yourself in it doesn’t work (or at least sure didn’t for me).

And now I know that the consensus says that part V is atrocious. I don’t think I have the fortitude to just skip it, especially since the Rocky Balboa comeback movie is apparently worthwhile. I totally believe everyone that it’s going to be bad, but I’m going to suffer through it.

Until then, I > III > IV > II.


Comeback movie is great and sets you up for Creed.

Would also recommend this video for reflective praise over the franchise.

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