Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Who was it that said this was the best superhero movie they ever saw? Was that Gunn?

I watched Dungeons & Dragons last night and I thought it was a pretty fun movie. It knew how to walk to line of not taking itself too seriously without losing the plot.


Yea it was a good popcorn movie

“As a rule I don’t care a lot for superhero movies, but this one is special. It’s heartfelt, funny, and eye-popping,” Stephen King tweeted about The Flash , with James Gunn calling the movie “probably one of the greatest superhero movies ever made.” Creating such hype for The Flash reportedly "sparked bemused head-shaking from some at Warners who question the wisdom of setting such high expectations.”

Talk about being paid for a blurb

IDK exactly where this goes but mother of god these are gonna be some good eats. I don’t think I’ve read 99% of FilmCritHulk’s essays. Just that the ones I have read were that good.

First viewing: 7/10

Second viewing: did not finish

You’ll agree, however, that one scene above the rest justifies the price tag.

I think the biggest problem for The Flash was two-fold. By now we have seen

  1. countless butterfly effect stories wherein one tiny change in the past ripples into disastrous effects throughout time
  2. countless iterations of Flashpoint in particular!!!

This live action movie isn’t even the best version of Flashpoint, or the best experience of a DC multiverse, or the best experience of any multiverse.

The best Flashpoint story adaptation so far is the animated film Flashpoint Paradox. Here’s a scene they mirrored in the live-action movie.

The best DC multiverse experience is Crisis on Infinite Arrowverse on the CW.

Maybe if The Flash had come out ten years ago, it would have been one of the greatest superhero movies of all time, but coming out in 2023, it never soars nearly as high as the bar has now been set.

Now if you want to see a REAL piece of crap…

You need to be on hallucinogens.

Oh yeah, also Jenna Jameson, for utility reasons.

If you could get all her movies on VHS, you might have enough material to build a raft and float to safety.


That actually sounds like a lot of fun

It was an experience. I recommend that and the GWAR movie as a double feature.

Raise with Traci Lords. Picking her gets you stuff like Highlander: the series, Gilmore Girls, and MacGuyver, as well as the Hitman video game franchise.

Also gets you thrown in jail for a long time if they ever find you on the island. She made one porno after turning 18. That would get pretty worn out.

Although it’s trivially easy to find older Lords content online. So clearly it’s not something the govt is going after hard. Still, that’s not something I want lying around or sitting on a hard drive in my possession.

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I apologize! I admit I am not familiar with that side of her ouvre. I just wanted Highlander.


I certainly didn’t hate Batman Begins, but found it pretty meh.

I liked The Dark Knight a lot, but it’s also overrated. #3 on the IMDB Top 250 is absurd. The rest of the top 5 are absolute masterpieces. TDK is simply very good.

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No one should say TDK is one of the ~5 best movies ever, but its basically perfect.

As someone who has seen them all 5+ times, I’d rather rewatch it over a LOTR film or shawshank.

Watched Matrix Resurrection yesterday and did not like it. Did not like the story, tone or much of anything. Disappointing.

That’s a great one-sentence review.

I would honestly say The Joker, Anton Chigurh and Hannibal Lector are almost in a class of their own for being in not much of the movie but every scene they are in is immensely captivating just because of their presence.

I feel like the major problems were the Ezra Miller’s Flash is a annoying spaz which at most is OK in small doses and they decided to have an both him and an even worse version of himself that was borderline insufferable play off of each other for an entire movie.

And the tone veered way too far into Looney Toons slapstick comedy with Whedon-esq quips and 'well that was something’s that somehow managed to be even more Whedon-esq than Whedon could do

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Matrix series has to be the most perfect descending line of quality of any movie series ever. Each one is somehow equally worse than the last. It’s a perfect 45 degree slope lol.