Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I’ll consider it, as weird as it is to bargain with someone to get them to give one of the all-time greats a try.

But I did just fire up the trailer and it threw up a flag for me: “from the director of The Deer Hunter.” Mind you, I think The Deer Hunter is a good movie, I basically liked it, but IIRC you called it an easy five-star classic and I don’t have near that much love for it. The way you describe this one kind of makes me suspect we could have similar disconnects here.

I’m still kind of intrigued and might watch it at some point.

I read this and agreed that it felt weird to be doing this but then realized you were probably talking about yourself lol

Deer hunter i liked a lot when I saw (long long ago) but not quite as much as Heaven’s gate. I’ve also never felt the urge to watch it again (unlike HG) so my rating would be 5 stars but with low confidence it that makes sense.
Both movies have similar pacing though i think.

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Just remember, Heaven’s Gate has a storied history that destroyed a film studio

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Folding Ideas has a good video on this movie

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My watch history shows I’ve seen the video, but I don’t remember any of it so definitely worth a rewatch.

Hit Man

Pretty good; lots of chemistry between the leads in the romantic subplot, and the story was pretty engaging. I fear that I’m not ready for the concept of Glen Powell as a ubiquitous star, but it’s coming regardless.

3.5/5, but a pretty shaky 3.5. It debuted on Netflix this weekend.


I went to the theatre to see this today and agree. I wanted to love it but it’s an only goodish I would say.

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I am so glad I hadn’t seen something like this before watching Serenity. A huge part of the enjoyment imo was the initial feeling that there was clearly more going on than meets the eye, then the dawning realization of what the twist must be, while it also doesn’t really make sense and is impossible to reconcile with everything else that’s going on. Then in like the last 60 seconds of the movie when they explain it, it’s just…wow.

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Do you think this was a more wtf twist vs Don’t Worry Darling? I thought both were very compelling until the reveal.

Didn’t see it. And with regard to Serenity, I was watching it purely for HDTGM so there was no chance I was actually going to buy in.

I think there are only a few movies that HDTGM has done that I initally watched sincerely: Spiderman 3, The Jazz Singer (Neil Diamond version), Wild Wild West, Congo, probably a few others.

OK looking at the list and there are a bunch more, but mostly from my youth.

They recently did Madame Web, which my kid tells me is a must-watch for the absurdity.

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Lol I hear you. I think this one is on Netflix now?

I love the double episode for Superman 3. I watched that one sincerely as a kid, even if I now would watch it with a bit more hesitant praise. The flying scenes are fantastic, so much wire work, and there can be no denying how cool Evil Superman was.

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Caught the Beekeeper. Entertained for two hours.


Watched Minus One again.

Its a beautiful movie, outlining and deconstructing the pain and PTSD of an entire nation. Devastatingly beautiful


Yeah the first part just destroyed me thinking about what the firebombing of Tokyo and the aftermath must have really been like.


Watched about half of Hitman last night. Me not being motivated to finish in one sitting is generally not a good sign.

Watching Color of Money. I get that Tom Cruise is a fresh face. But wouldn’t the marks be suspicious when he comes in with an obvious hustler/staker who’s giving him advice every 10 seconds?

Had to look up straight pool wtf: Straight pool - Wikipedia

In straight pool, the player may call and attempt to pocket any object ball on the table regardless of its number or color until only one object ball and the cue ball remain, at which point the other fourteen balls are re-racked. At this point, play resumes with the objective of pocketing the remaining ball in a manner that causes the cue ball to carom into the rack, spreading out the balls and allowing the player to continue the run. The goal is to reach a set number of points that is determined by agreement before the game begins; traditionally 100 points is needed for a win, though professional matches may go higher. One point is scored by pocketing an object ball without a foul, while a point is deducted on a foul.

I’ve read that three times and I still don’t understand it.

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I think it means when it’s down to one ball, it’s re-racked and broken again. The next ball that has to go in by calling is the last ball that was on the table before the re-rack. Rinse and repeat until you hit the score. I’m guessing it’s just so you don’t ever have an empty table to speed game play.

How do you re-rack with only 14 balls? Where is the empty slot? Does each ball have a designated slot and you just leave out the one that is still in play?

That’s an awesome game structure. I also like three handed cutthroat where everyone takes one third of the numbered balls and attempts to pocket all of their third first.

play resumes with the objective of pocketing the remaining ball in a manner that causes the cue ball to carom into the rack

What does carom into the rack mean? Does that mean you have to bank the break?