Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I don’t think I have. I’ll have to listen to their roast.

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I’m very fond of Pan’s Labyrinth.


Trying to think of a year with a stronger top five.

My 1999 top five:
The Insider
The Matrix
Fight Club
Toy Story 2
The Sixth Sense

That’s really strong - in both cases, the whole top five is in my personal all-time top 100 - but I’ve gotta go with 2007. It gets harder to find candidates that run quite as deep from there.

1980 makes a really compelling top three - The Shining, The Empire Strikes Back, Airplane all five-star classics in my book - and I do think Raging Bull is a strong #4, but I’m yet to find an all-timer for a #5. Dressed to Kill might be my next favorite from that year? And it doesn’t rate with these others named.

1957 does feature two elite five-star movies (12 Angry Men and The Bridge on the River Kwai), 1994 offers the same (Pulp Fiction and Shawshank, shoutout @ctr123 for his continued commitment to never watching Shawshank), but I don’t think those years can stack up 1-5 in the same way. Admittedly I do need to see more 1957 films to be able to properly judge that year.

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If I have a counterpart to your Fury Road, it’s that.

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Agree. The lake house is decent.

I wish mine was a dormant movie with no follow-ups from 25 years ago, that would be way less annoying. But yeah I think The Sixth Sense is excellent. And I say that as someone who likes to rip on M. Night Shyamalan.


I can’t forget Moonfall. It’s not even fun bad and the reveal and subsequent plotting are eyeroll inducing.
I have not seen Serenity but I did read about the twist which sounds ridiculous. So ridiculous that I was tempted to watch it but I haven’t gone through with it as of yet.

I disagree on Moonfall, I think it’s hilarious. The Lexus product placement alone is laugh-out-loud funny. But, I almost always am only watching these movies because How Did This Get Made has done an episode on them, so I head into them expecting them to be bad and looking for the funny stuff.

If you already know the Serenity twist it will be a lot less fun I think.

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When Stitcher went out of business somebody on Reddit compiled an archive of all the old episodes on two Google drives:

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I think it’s unfortunate because until the twist, the movie played very well for me. I was into it. But the twist is something else and unfortunately then the whole movie suddenly is preposterous.

I was hamming it up and I can now see that I gilded the lily a bit.

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Run Lola Run


Watched in the theater. On re-watch not a 10 because there’s a bit of annoying pretension at the beginning and they introduce the cast of characters twice, and the ending of the second iteration is played for a bit for laughs when it needed more shock value, but once the movie hits the ground, uhm, running, it’s great.

Also leave it to the Germans to make gambling at a casino look like a bore.


No love for “Heaven’s gate” ?


Happy 40th anniversary to BOTH Ghostbusters and Gremlins, which were both released on June 8, 1984.

What a day.


This one I’ve not seen, so I can’t rule that out. It being over 3.5 hours and me having had multiple people call it “boring” to me has admittedly spooked me a little.

Not the biggest fan. It’s funny, it’s pretty good, but I don’t think it stands up to time nearly as well as Airplane does.

I think the length is actually really good at getting you a feel for these people’s lives before “things happen”. I actually first saw the “short” (2h45) version (back when the long one was not easily accessible), and it didn’t work well for me. Seeing the long one in a theater (with intermission) was an incredible experience. Its one of my all-time favourites fwiw.

But I understand that it may be hard to find motivation for long movies. If you want some help we can say I’ll watch Shawshank if you watch this one :slightly_smiling_face:

Hot take is ghostbusters is not a very good movie. At a minimum it’s not funny at all.

Please turn in your passport and your man card on your way out of the country.

I think the humor in Airplane feels more dated and more forced than in Caddyshack.

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