Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Holy hell, what a picture. Especially what a final act, but the whole thing was really compelling. 2007 is such a ridiculous movie year that I tentatively only put it as the fifth-best movie that year, but I could even see moving it up even though there’s a pretty impenetrable top four in the way. Right now I’d rate that year out at:
There Will Be Blood
No Country for Old Men
Michael Clayton
The Assassination of Jesse James

Throw in 6. Superbad as one of the best comedies of the past two decades as another part of the 2007 movie year.


(I’d still have tried to find a shorter movie title, but now I’ve warmed a bit to the ridiculously long one they went with.)


Such a gorgeously shot movie.

I’m glad you liked it. Do you think the title played a significant role in the movie’s box office?

The title has always annoyed me. Sounds like I need to give the movie a shot.


Yes. I have to think being long tends to be unhelpful to that too. But the title is probably the biggest culprit.

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I can’t imagine you regretting it. It’s so good. Artsy, but compelling.

Right. I think the title acts like a promise for how unwieldy the whole movie will be, when really the title is the densest part of the movie.

Where do you rank this one, ahem ahem. (google hits showing 2006, but official release date was Jan 5, 2007 per imdb).


It got a December 2006 initial limited release before going wide in order to qualify for the Oscars alongside 2006 movies, it’s a 2006 movie IMO.

It’s great and one of the best 2006 movies, but I don’t think I’d put it above any of that top five of 2007.

Oh hell naw. I can’t even…

Looking forward to this one. It’s the only western on my list I haven’t seen. Been saving it.

Clive Owen - market corrected by Gerard Butler? Who was in turn market corrected by Russell Crowe?

Makes you think.

I think that The Dark Knight might be the best answer for me. Batman Begins is a fun super hero movie. I’ve got The Dark Knight as the best super hero movie of all time. It might be overrated if people are putting it as the #3 movie of all time, but overrated doesn’t mean not fantastic. TDK subverting superhero tropes left and right, like the Joker stealing all that money just to light it on fire, and the ferry bombs and the hostage/hostage taker swap scenarios that the hero can’t just get strong enough to punch or shoot his way out of is riveting.

I still like the original Godfather more than pt II, but I can at least grant that people can see it the other way. There’s not a chasm between them, though.

I have TGTBATU as the best western of all time, and it’s way better than the other two Dollars movies, but it’s not strictly a sequel. Not only is it the third film, but Lee Van Cleef plays different characters.

Yeah, Empire is the best Star Wars movie, but I still really enjoy ANH.

If I were to nominate some things that haven’t been mentioned, there’s Captain America and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but the gap isn’t as big with TDK. There’s also Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, but I like the former too much to say there’s a huge gap there.

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A little surprised nobody spoke up for The Two Towers, but personally I’ve got Fellowship a bit higher. I’ve gone back and forth on those though.

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I’ve got the 3rd act as the weakest. (Still very good, but a decline enough to be noticeable)

Not sure if that’s a hot take or not.

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Oh man, what are you doing that is one of the greatest Westerns of all time.

No, I agree and I think that’s the consensus.

If you enjoy The Room and other terrible outsider art movies, I gotta recommend Fateful Findings (2014), which is just as weird and has fewer incel vibes than The Room. Watch with a group!

That movie is goddamn amazing, and obviously another great How Did This Get Made.

Although I will say I get a bigger kick out of movies with real budgets and actors that are still bewildering, like The Lake House, Serenity, Moonfall, etc.


Shots fired. I like this one.

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Haha have you ever listened to the HDTGM episode on it? One of my favorites. Spoiler alert: the dog is responsible for it all, and may be God!

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