Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I recently took my first run at Tenet while on a plane, and to my pleasant surprise, I found the first 20 minutes of it really intriguing. Unfortunately my sleep was messed up, and I made the calculation that I should scrap the whole thing so that I didn’t sabotage any reasonable chance at enjoying my first full run at it. This movie is perpetually absent from all the major streaming services for some reason, so I wasn’t sure when I’d actually get a chance to properly fire it up from home, but…it’s Tubi to the rescue. It just got added on there.

I know I got relatively negative feedback about the movie when I brought it up before, maybe people here just don’t like it, but if anyone is like me and wants to give it a go, it’s available for free on there (with relatively unobtrusive ads). Might try to get it watched tomorrow.

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Its good! It just came out at the worst possible time for a film to come out, being the first major covid release in theatre

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I love Tenet, but it does require a certain mindset that I don’t think most moviegoers will have.

Also the criticism of the sound design is definitely correct.

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What’s the criticism?


You can’t hear dialogue since Nolan likes having sound design actually sound real. In the beginning of the movie there is a train that muffles the dialogue for example.

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does he insist that the closed captioning for scenes like this is blurry and low-contrast?

I mix sound for a living and I always put on close captions when available. There’s no reason not to, and a lot of mixers frankly suck these days. I do always find it funny when stuff that doesn’t need it gets subtitles.

That’s just your pro tip for the day k thx bye.

Muppet Christmas Carol > Muppet Movie is a hot take!

I mean it can’t be THAT hot.

7.8/10 over 7.6/10 in favor of Christmas Carol on IMDb, 4.0/5 over 3.9/5 in favor of Muppet Movie on Letterboxd. Seems like audiences give them really similar marks.

I find that astonishing, but I was six when The Muppet Movie came out and was a devout fan of The Muppet Show. It would be nearly impossible for any “new” Muppet stuff to come close.

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Godzilla Minus One is on Nexflix


Alright, Tenet’s pretty good. Within the “Christopher Nolan crawls up his own ass” subgenre, I think I like it better than Inception. Probably in the lower half of the Nolan catalog though.

I will not pretend that I didn’t get thoroughly lost along the way, but it’s okay.

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Watched this late last night about a half hour before it left. (More accurately, finished it then. I don’t have any issue splitting movies up into three days.)

And, yeah, this was great. I was surprised that no punches were pulled about how he was not such a great guy in his early life. I agree that trimming it down would have hurt the movie. There were basically two redemption arcs in the story that needed time to develop.

I’ve got this slightly below One Night in Miami, but only barely, and possibly because my expectations going into One Night in Miami were extremely low (honestly thought the premise sounded horrible) whereas here, I would have been disappointed by something that didn’t reach greatness.

I was not disappointed.


While I can say that it was an Oscar worthy performance by Denzel, I can’t compare it to Al Pacino’s Scent of a Woman since I’ve never seen it, or almost anything from that year. The only movie I had seen that got nominated for any award was Batman Returns. There are a few weird ones in there that I probably should have seen by now (most notably A Few Good Men and Aladdin), but there isn’t much there that jumps out at me. Was 1992 a very below average year for movies or am I missing something?

The good kind of lost? Like in a Lynchian choose your own adventure kind of way?

The expectations game can get you. Me, when I watched this recently and the Sam Cooke needle-drop comes in, I thought, “Aw shit, One Night in Miami feels kinda quaint at this point.” That’s still a good movie though.

You are free to continue not watching Scent of a Woman. Mind you, it’s by no means bad. It’s pretty entertaining. But it’s just very annoying to me that this felt like the biggest launching point into Pacino being a caricature of his past self, and getting an Oscar for it isn’t exactly discouraging to that trajectory. He’s given us some great performances since, but yeah. I just wouldn’t put that performance anywhere in the Pacino top 10 performances.

Glengarry Glen Ross, Reservoir Dogs, The Player, My Cousin Vinny, A League of Their Own, Aladdin, Wayne’s World, and Unforgiven are all movies I give four stars to. Five stars to A Few Good Men. I don’t consider it a weak year.


The neutral kind of lost, I suppose. Basically, in line with what I just said about the expectations game, I heard so many apologists roll with “this doesn’t make a ton of sense, but just go with it, it’s fun,” which allowed me to assume they were right and not feel the frustration I often would when getting lost.

My movie intelligence is not the highest, so me getting lost is not exactly uncommon.

I missed My Cousin Vinny when looking at the Wikipedia page for the Oscars that year, so I guess I’ve seen 3 nominees from that year. Also seen (and enjoyed) all of Reservoir Dogs, A League of Their Own and Wayne’s World. Pretty surprised that the first two didn’t get any Oscar nominations at all.

I would have thought that 1992 was my most recent 0-fer on BP nominees, but turns out 1996 is. I really should watch Fargo sometime.

Just realized this since posting, but: IMO, Scent of a Woman was not even Pacino’s best 1992 performance. Glengarry Glen Ross was. (I see that he got a supporting actor nom for that too, so it didn’t get ignored or anything.)

Good grief, yes. Jerry Maguire also very much worth your time.