Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I don’t think so. I’ve seen enough of it and I know my tastes. It isn’t going to happen. I do appreciate that others love it, though. I recognize this is a me thing. I do like movies that have humour, just not of this silly, farty variety.

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It’s not that much of a you thing. Nutty Professor had some funny stuff and I’m ~okay with it, but it gets bad marks from people on both IMDb and LB.

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Great movie, best of the year probably, everyone should go see it, but…it’s not Fury Road :)

minor complaints

One thing I really like about Fury Road (and other Mad Max movies too, although I don’t remember them that well) is how they drop you into new places with little exposition/backstory and we just go with the flow into understanding what goes on, who is everyone (which is not that complicated anwyay) etc.
This one starts similarly, and imo the opening is basically perfect. but then 30 mins in they go to the Citadel and we see basically all the Fury Road characters, using their by now familiar lingo etc ? Not sure how I feel about that, since on the one hand like I said I really don’t think getting some FR backstory is necessary, but on the other hand I like this world and I’m happy to spend some time in it…
(similar feelings with the choice to have Fury Road scenes during the end credits…felt weird)
anyway this part was the weakest of the movie imo, but the action scenes (90% of the movie) were amazing, the 2h30 runtime went by super fast, and the more I think about this movie the more I like it. Will probably rewatch it soon.


Your main complaint will be LKJ will not like it

I’m going to see for myself. I mean, the world has trapped me into it, because I know people aren’t going to shut up about it and I’m not one of those low-quality sorts who would ever, EVER declare that they don’t like something they haven’t seen, so I feel like I have to form my own independent opinion. If I thought that I could simply hide under a weighted blanket until the end of May, trusting that by then people would have found a shiny new object to become fascinated with, maybe I would choose that option. But I doubt it’s going to be that easy. So…I’m going to go see it and hope for the best. In a few days. I’m out of town right now and definitely want to wait to get back so that I can see it on a Dolby screen and optimize my chances of enjoying it.

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I’m suddenly stricken by low-level fear that this could come off as a dig at wipers for hand-waving the Nutty Professor away earlier, which it wasn’t. It’s perfectly reasonable to just not watch something because you strongly suspect you won’t like it. Unless you’re master spending a lifetime not watching The Godfather, obviously.


Genuinely surprised to hear this wasn’t a surprise disappointment. I guess Mr Babe has some juice still left in the tank.

He sure does !

(Btw your comment reminds me I still havent seen Babe 2, Ill keep trying to get my kids to watch it with me)

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I didn’t read it that way at all, LKJ. No worries, pal.

I generally watch two movies, sometimes three, at home a week (plus some tv shows) so I don’t have a lot of room to start something like Nutty Professor and see how it goes. I have enough of a movie list going that I would rather use that time to work through those or occasionally rewatch an old favourite. So yes, I will often dismiss a movie without knowing anything about it just by defaulting to my personal tastes.

When we lived in Toronto we went to the movies all the time - several times a week, early showings, late, midnight madness, all of it. The Varsity and the wonderful Uptown (RIP) theaters were a 5 minute walk from my condo. I do country living now and I’m now a 35 minute drive to my nearest theater which requires a lot more gumption on my part to get my ass in gear and go. We are getting older as well so those 9:30pm movies on a weeknight are not as appealing as they once were.

We resolved this by building a mini-theater in our home (sound isolated room, 120" screen, 4K UST projector). That certainly helps. However we are about to make one of those treks into town. Going to catch Furioso at 3:45 today. I will bring sufficient provisions to survive the journey.

A lot of good Hitchcock stuff on Prime now


Furiosa was great. I don’t share the specific concern of ctr123, I didn’t have any issues with that time at the citadel, but I had did have one gripe that pulled me out of the movie more than once.

Almost all the fighting in the vehicles from Fury Road looked practical, mostly all stunt people doing cool things. Still plenty of practical but definitely more CGI here and at times it was pretty janky. When Furiosa’s mother is pulled up on the horse, I winced. It looked like there were frames missing. Some of the cannon fodder War Boys looked rough as well. There were a number of moments like this. Maybe with Miller getting older he took a few shortcuts to move things along.

Regardless, I thought it was great. A worthy companion to Fury Road.

LKJ - You are not going to enjoy this, it is essentially Fury Road 2.0 with a few minor and occasional pacing differences. If you drag yourself to see this, knowing you are going to hate it, I am going to feel obligated to sit through The Nutty Professor. Don’t do that to me… :wink:


syntax error

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Take it as a ‘better’ pace LKJ, you can do itttttt

I’m still going, with an open mind and an open heart. It’s distressing that it runs 2:30 if it’s going to be plot-optional and boring, but here’s hoping it’s surprisingly fun.

Can’t wait to see it but won’t be till mid next week sadly

Watched fury road again this week man so good

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Filmcrithulk wrote a great essay about the Mad Max films and Furiosa.

For those who have seen it, better Furiosa, Joy or Theron ?

Soft and Quiet


What if there were a women’s book club get together, and while having a bottle of wine they go to one of the member’s house to continue drinks. They stop by one of the other member’s liquor store to buy wine and while they’re in there young girls come in thinking it’s open. Someone says something inopportune. See the women’s book club was an Aryan white power book club. So some unnecessary remarks were made about the women being Hispanic.

In any case the two women leave but the other women decide to mess with them. I’m not sure how they knew the women’s address so the decided to party at their house and trash it…but the women come home early.

Its shot in near real time so the tension and ambience is different. Much slower and longer tension, but also seems a lot faster as there are only 4 or 5 events that happen.

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I feel like I posted about this movie when I watched it, I would go more like 7 or 8 for rating