Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Hoping for the best, preparing for disappointment.

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Yeah I assume it’s going to suck but the trailer is pretty good!

Ditto for the Beetlejuice sequel.

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Love that they brought back all the people

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Me too. I just haven’t liked anything Eddie has done for a long time. Coming 2 America wasn’t the swing I hoped to see. I’ll admit the trailer looks good.

I remember liking Coming 2 America, but I also don’t remember anything about it, so it probably wasn’t all that good.

what is eddie going to next? 96 hours? Nuttier Professor? Granddaddy Day Care?

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Pleasant entertainment. Forgettable compared to the original.

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Eddie does what Eddie wants.

2 fast 2 flubber.


Can’t believe you guys think this murphy movie is going to be anything. He’s been, as the kids say, completely washed, incapable of making an original/funny movie where he appears to be doing anything other than showing up for a paycheck which is what this trailer looks like, for at least 25 years. No amount of hair dye and makeup is going to change that. Surprised they didn’t de-age him.

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Medium Rare imo.

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I’m assuming the movie will be entertaining and fun enough, but completely forgettable. Meaning, I’ll be content that I watched it, but in a month, I won’t care. And that’s fine, really.

Exoplanet Nash

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Lighten up, Francis

I liked his Dolemite movie, it was pretty funny and it sent me down a Rudy Ray Moore rabbit hole. I wasn’t familiar with the man prior to the movie. Never cared for any of his kid movies. Mr. Church was a little corny but sweet.

Not sure how you can tell he’s only there for a paycheck from a 2 minute trailer.

You never saw original Beverly Hills Cop? Or are you talking about Rudy Ray Moore?

If you haven’t delved into Eddie Murphy’s peak movie career, it is a must. The Nutty Professor is probably his last great movie but others have still been okay. 48 Hrs and Beverly Hills Cop are an incredible 1/2 punch.

I was a bigger fan of Life than The Nutty Professor.

I was not familiar with Rudy Ray Moore. Of course I am familiar with Eddy Murphy. Yes, I have seen Beverly Hills Cop, 48 hours etc…

No, I have not seen The Nutty Professor. I have seen enough clips to know that nowhere in this multiverse is there a version of me who would enjoy watching that. I understand people love it but I have never enjoyed those broad comedies. Dumb and Dumber is another beloved comedy that I will never connect with.

Sometimes I find Clovis’ hyperbole about superhero movies a little silly, then I realize I’m being hypocritical because the exact same applies to me around these types of comedies. There are certainly exceptions to the rule but they are few and far between.

That was good, too, but he was unreal in that Chapelle scene. You could see how he was the best in his era and it plays so much funnier now knowing how big Chapelle became.

I think The Nutty Professor might surprise you. I can’t do Dumb and Dumber but I saw The Nutty Professor at least 3 times in the theater it was so funny. Murphy is elite and hardly recognizable in most of the parts.