Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Wow I suppose it’s possible you won’t like Full Metal Jacket, but frankly it would surprise me.


Maybe I’m underestimating. Paths of Glory is excellent, so I know that Kubrick can do war films in a way that I find compelling.

I think it’s impossible not to like the first half, but I understand anyone (like myself) not being so hot on the second half.

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lol, when I saw your list I thought you wanted to rewatch The Phantom Menace. I could not for the life of me figure out why you would want to go through that again. I’m a dope… :woozy_face: :woozy_face:

I really appreciate PTA but I’ve tried to watch Phantom Thread twice and I just cannot get through it. I’ve tried twice, I’m done.

Full metal jacket is worth watching if only for the insanity of trying to turn England into Vietnam. Also the Mickey Mouse scene.

Watching The Iron Claw.

That is the worst fucking Ric Flair impression Ive ever seen.


I’m a big PTA fan as well and found it to be his most mid. Seen it once, no real desire to try again.

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Seriously. He cant even do a fucking Wooooo. I know a hundred guys who can do a respectable woooo

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Thankfully (given how bad he was) it’s a brief part, but shit.


I mean, Ric is Ric, but it is not that fucking hard to do a Flair impression. The guy acted like hes never seen a Flair promo in his life. Its almost like he was doing a Dusty promo

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Oh also, this exchange.

Fritz: Its your brother, hes dead. Ruptured his intestines.
Kevin: what? How does something like that happen?
Scene: Cuts to funeral.

Me: wait, what? No, wtf? Thats a valid question and Id like an answer to it.

Just watched it.

I thought it was great.


Haven’t seen it yet, but growing up in FW Ric Flair was the key villain in that feud and his endless cheating and bleeding in title matches. That would massively turn off people where the family was the biggest and most popular.

Finally caught up to Malcolm X. I’ve known it’s a must for a while, but the 3:20 length has a way of getting a movie pushed off for longer, not because I’m opposed to longer movies (I’m not at all), but just because there are any number of circumstances where you have the space to throw on a two-hour movie and don’t have the same space for the long epic. I try to avoid breaking up movies over multiple days.

Anyway, obviously I’m only posting about it because I agree with the masses that it’s awesome. Surely should have gotten Denzel his first Best Actor trophy instead of being the moment where they gave it to Al Pacino for one of his dumbest performances (Scent of a Woman). Not only did it earn the length, but I was convinced by the end that trimming it down to a normal length would have weakened the movie.

@eyebooger Since you were head over heels about One Night in Miami, you are committing a crime against yourself if you don’t make the time for this. It’s on Prime for the rest of the month.


Respect to the supervillain genius casting decisions here. Imagine telling Margaret Hamilton you’ve cast her as Auntie Em and not The Bad Witch, imagine the fucking balls it takes to do that.

I was mad when I heard that someone was making another Street Fighter movie, but these guys seem like they understand the assignment. Let them cook.




The minds behind Smallville have done it again.

I’m so in for this