Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Getting mega Southland Tales vibes

It’s like Francis saw this and said yes that’s everything my movie needs. MOAR.

Weird it has been on prime in Canada for a few months.

Not sure how I didnt notice it, but the lead in Late Night with the Devil also played Polka Dot Man in the good Suicide Squad

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Dastmalchian is cool, he’s in a lot of fun little roles in movies you’ve seen over the years. Good to see him getting starring roles in things.

Watched Terms of Endearment this past weekend. I went in knowing that it was from the “aggressively slap tears out of you” subgenre of drama - foreknowledge that eventually proved true even if it pulls its punches until the latter half of the movie - but it had enough emotional intelligence behind it that I didn’t resent it as some sort of cheap, unearned trick. I thought it was a really good movie, and it’s easy to see how it crushed its Oscar year.

We have a lot to thank James L. Brooks for, and this has been a worthy part of his canon that I’m glad I caught up to.

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Idk how to feel about this.

Well there’s a pretty simple answer.

You immediately dismiss any possibility it could be anything but terrible, you forget about it until it releases, you look at the RT score, you nod in confirmation, you don’t watch, after a couple of years the movie’s existence slowly fades from your memory as having ever happened.


Harsh but fair. But here’s the thing.

What if it’s good?

Then that’s a nice surprise. Sometimes a horribly ill-conceived idea on paper turns out to be Cobra Kai. But it’s a massive long shot.

I mean, it’s fine for Sandler to make this. I don’t think things like the Dumb and Dumber follow-ups really impact what the original was at all. And he’s a volume-churner like Cage, so it shouldn’t meaningfully cost us actually interesting Sandler projects. He doesn’t seem to take long breaks.


I thought about it and agree with you. The main risk with these sequels is whether they diminish the quality of the original movie, but that’s probably not going to happen.

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Holy crap what a movie. I knew American Fiction was good, but this was great. Thanks for the tip on this one being on Prime.


This is always my take. It’s likely going to be bad but there is some chance it’s will be good. I hope for the latter.

It has a couple of the single funniest lines in a decade.

American Fiction


Not as good as I hoped, but still good. At first I was going to say whoever marketed this as a comedy should be shot, but after finishing it I kind of feel for the marketers. The bones of the movie are a comedy, but it has so much pathos and is filmed mostly like a drama that it fits into middle ground.

3 white people outvoting the 2 black people on the topic of ‘we should listen to black voices’ was the most irony that could possibly be contained in a scene though.


A documentary about MoviePass, the best company in history? Yes, please.


What an awful name for a movie


A bunch of rich dupes got soaked and the rest of us got to see a bunch of free movies, it’s the very best business model ever.

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Business model is fine, I was talking about the title.

“Moviepass, moviecrash” is a fucking abysmal title.

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They should have just called it “movie”. Similar to how American Fiction should have been called “fuck”.

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