Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Ya except I’d add one caveat. It’s 90s Bay-like before he went insane making terrible robot movies.


Rewatching S3E15 of MST3k, “Teenage Caveman,” in honor of the late great Roger Corman; what a legend. Best B-movie man to ever do it.


I didn’t realize Corman had died :( so many in Hollywood owe their careers to him

I am in the strong extreme minority that I don’t find Scarlett Johansson very attractive at all.

Never heard this story before.


I am very skeptical that this “mistake” could have only been discovered on the first day of the shoot when Josh showed up instead of Jim, but it’s a nice story.

My commercial business operates on volume and we often crank out 100+ auditions a day. I have our database set up with a drop down list of clients by last name so we can churn auditions out with a quickness. We also have multiple sets of clients with the same last name. Twice I have accidentally sent an audition to the wrong client and had that client show up to the audition and book the job.


Yeah seems like BS.

No table reads for a Coen bros. movie?


The audition that wasn’t there

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Coincidentally, Burt I Gordon only died just last year, two kings of the genre. They should both be on the Mount Rushmore of B movie producers, along with Ed Wood and William Castle.

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Llewelyn is pretty young in the book and the time period was late 70s or early 80s. They were going to make the movie take place in present day? That would have been a terrible choice, story seems wack.

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Saw The Fall Guy. It was fun. Gosling and Blunt just ooze charisma.

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All good points. Still it was fun thinking about how different the movie would have played based on adjusting character ages or which decade the movie takes place in.

I’m in


This is me, but with Julia Roberts. There’s something about her that I just find repulsive. Yes, I know I’m the crazy one, but the fact remains.

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Its the teeth. She has too many.

Her smile sometimes reminds me of those analog horror or creepypasta stories about someone who cant stop smiling.

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American Fiction is on Prime now if you haven’t seen it and have waited for wider availability. Recommended viewing.


Nice, thanks. Added to my list for the weekend

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