Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I like trailers that give a taste of what the experience of the movie will be. This looks rad.

Nicolas Cage

I am in the strong minority that I donā€™t find Scarlett Johansson very attractive at all. I also only really loved her in two movies.



I get that looks are subjective, etc., etc., but wow.


Itā€™s actually worse. For some reason I find her actually unattractive! Like 4/10.

Attraction is a weird thing.

On the other side Iā€™d argue Natalie Portman is the most beautiful working actress.

I do remember you equating sex with Natalie Portman to watching The Godfather, so I might have guessed this. She is quite beautiful, I agree.

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He kinda seems more ordinarily handsome, like Tom Hanks.

Sandler seems to fit the mold, although when you produce your own movies you pick the scripts where you get to pull way above your grade.

Good call. I remembered him as a pretty boy, but looking back at old pictures now he was never pretty.

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The Von Erichs are a compelling story so they had a lot to work with, obviously, but I suppose my judgment was clouded going in because my mind auto-defaults to Zac Efron = Yet Another Teen Movie. But this most certainly was not that. But then again, because I know the story fairly well, Iā€™d say that itā€™s not so much the Von Erich story as much as the Kevin Von Erich story. Still very compelling, and a different (refreshing) take that I think most people donā€™t really know because Kevin was kind of pushed to the side after he left wrestling.

Behind the Bastards podcast did a 4-parter on Vince McMahon, and he spent most of a full episode of that series on the Von Erichs, mostly focusing on Fritzā€™s bastardy. Based on that plus other things Iā€™ve read, the movie doesnā€™t really do justice to what an utter piece of shit/failure as a parent he was.

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Fwiw my impression of him from the movie was that he was a PoS.

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YES thanks the wife and I kept yelling at each other to stop being a dick and tell the other where we knew that guy from :joy: even though I know she looked it up on her phone five seconds after the topic arose

Yup. Heā€™s got an energy for sure, but heā€™s never been a dashingly handsome kind of guy. And yet he gets Meg Ryan and it doesnā€™t feel too far off.


Yeah there were definitely moments where that shone through. But he was sooooo much worse than what was shown onscreen.

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I guess on Stewart Iā€™ve always seen him as quite handsome, and one of the things I think back to is them doing a love triangle where heā€™s competing for the woman with Cary Grant and always seems like a credible alternative in that movie. Grant was the more handsome of the two, but I never felt like it was a huge mismatch in terms of looks.

Hanks I agree is on the ordinarily handsome level, though heā€™s got so much charm that it never feels like a stretch that he can attract whoever.


This is the best bad movie ever made imo!


cage muscles


Itā€™s the most Michael Bay a movie can be without actually being made by him, ie perfect.


The thing I was most glad to see got included in the movie was that despicable moment where Mike Von Erich, having clearly suffered brain damage that impaired normal speaking let alone physical activity, got pushed out there in front of a microphone to pledge that he would be back in the ring soon and be a champion. Fritz was so awful.

I couldnā€™t place it right away myself. Him joining the Project Mayhem cult in Fight Club is the main thing I knew him from before this movie.