Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I recently rewatched this on Tubi or maybe it was Pluto.

I love that the soundtrack is driven by these up tempo jazz piano tracks. It would feel like an entirely different movie if it didn’t have that music.

Idk but I’ll forever see this and Devil’s Advocate as essentially the same movie.

Much much darker w/o the piano music, which somehow makes you feel everything’s gonna be ok.

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I watched Along Came Polly for the Rewatchables last night. Two movies in a row featured cutting up pillows and feathers going anywhere, albeit for very different reasons. What are the odds?

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I agree. I love that movie but it’s not really counter the troupe.

I’m trying to think of a “great man” movie where the wife is there for more than berating them.

lol my nagging wife question came from my paring of a JFK Directors Cut, Thirteen Days watch paired with rewatchables we did this weekend.

We are having similar weekends.

Late Night with the Devil was a damn good time. It falls apart a little at the end, but the conceit and concept of the film is so much fun. What a blast. Both my wife and I loved it.


Walk the Line?

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A Beautiful Mind is a good example. The most recent time I rewatched it, I found it really moving when Crowe, amidst a really bad day, says, “Maybe Rosen is right; maybe I have to think about going back to the hospital,” and Connelly just gently reaches across the table and holds his hand and says, “Maybe try again tomorrow.” She gets a really nice character in that movie, is portrayed as absolutely indispensable to his success.


Those are good ones.

Gone Girl


Not exactly what I was thinking of but a great film.

My partner’s issue was it’s so hard to think of film where the female partner is just supportive even though that is the case in like 90% of real relationships. If you only watched movies, you’d think no woman has ever supported a man.

Before last night I was convinced that I was incapable of uttering this phrase in any form in any medium but…the new Zac Efron movie is pretty pretty good?


I was surprised by how much I liked it too.

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Zac Efron is pretty funny, although he often gets stuck playing the pretty-boy, straight man.

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Holt McCallany plays such a perfect Fritz Von Erich in that movie. Inspired casting. Everyone does a good job in it, but I keep being surprised that he barely gets mentioned. If I was going to give someone an Oscar nom from that movie, it would have been him in Supporting Actor.


Loved him in Mindhunters. His stock seems to be going up. Hopefully accolades follow.

Fans of slasher films might be interested in this. I know I am


Speaking of Zac Efron, I was trying to think of male actors who were neither pretty boys nor badasses, yet were often the lead and usually “got the girl.”

Off the top of my head I’ve got Jimmy Stewart, Tom Hanks, and maybe Anthony Hopkins.


Jimmy Stewart wasn’t pretty?

Sandler would definitely fit your criteria IMO. He pulls significantly above his looks range in most of his movies.


Jon Favreau. Chef alone may be the goat example of a character hitting hugely above his average in terms of romantic interests