Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

His stand up routine was fine, but it’s extremely obvious following the popularization of Curb that Larry David was the central comic genius that made Seinfeld a massive hit and not just another sitcom.

Yeah, I don’t disagree that Larry should get the most credit by a plurality. And for that matter, I’ll proactively say that Jerry was far and away the least talented actor of the big four on that show since he entered as an acting noob and only marginally closed the gap as he became more comfortable. That said, he was still quite funny on it IMO and I’m not under the impression that that his creative efforts were anything negligible, and I don’t take away any idea that any of David or the main four cast could be lifted out without noticeable impact. (Obviously we straight-up saw this with the last two seasons being conducted without Larry and not being quite as good. Though he apparently does share in the blame for the disappointing series finale.)


He did have some great moments across the series.

I love his performance as George finds out that the whole gang saw his girlfriend topless before he did.

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Lol that’s a great one.

I’m gonna plug the run of shorts he made with Superman since they depend so much on his performance.

Who cares if he didn’t have some memorable catch phrase? The show was one of the best of all time and is still really funny.

Sure, he’s a miserable grump now, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t do great work in the past.


A wild Happy Gilmore’s grandmother appears!

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Huh, a couple frames in there where you get full on sideboob and pastie cover visability

Yeah, that did feel like a surprising amount for 90s network television.

IM guessing in 3:4 it probably wasnt visible and only showed up in widescreen

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Wendy and Lucy is confirmed great; I’ve watched it now. I think I’d still go with Certain Women over it, but I can understand going the other way. Would currently land on a loose ranking of Certain Women > Wendy and Lucy > First Cow > Showing Up.

Will keep going with Kelly Reichardt’s stuff. Maybe I can even disagree with you about Night Moves once I get to it. If people haven’t seen any Reichardt, they should remedy that by giving one of these a try. Wendy and Lucy is on Peacock and Tubi and is only 80 minutes, so it’s not much of a time gamble if it ends up not being your thing.

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glad you liked it ! Re: Night moves, there’s a lot to like in there so definitely don’t skip it at this point !

Unrelated : I just browsed the criterion channel page for the first time and it looks amazing ? I feel like I could press play on any random movie on their front page and like it, now I’m really annoyed that it’s not available here :grimacing:

Oh damn, my heart broke at the end of that post. You’d love it for sure. And yeah I’ve definitely started clicking into random movies on there with a good success rate.

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Fall Guy has serious problems with moment-to-moment storytelling and basic cinematography, but it’s still worth seeing in a theater for the action. This is 80s and 90s style action, though, not John Wick.

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Saw Challengers again and it holds up so well. Everything in this movie is firing on all cylinders. It’s the kind of mid-budget adult film that rarely gets made anymore in the sea of comic books and kids movies. Very worth the trip to the theatre.

Been meaning to do this for a long time and finally got around to it: I rewatched Schindler’s List for the first time in over 20 years. I believe I last saw it when I was a high schooler, and thus probably would have lacked the capacity to view it with the sort of emotional intelligence that a film like this deserves. I processed it as being really great and worthy of its plaudits, but my viewing of it had become so stale that I lacked a current proper emotional attachment to it, aside from rating its musical score among the GOAT scores and revisiting it as often as I remembered to.

Despite having always spoken of it with a high level of respect, it became clear while watching it back that I had underrated it. “Masterpiece” is a word that should be used sparingly, but it unquestionably applies here. My updated take is that it’s one of the 10 best movies ever made. Steven Spielberg recently stated, “The Zone of Interest is the best Holocaust movie I’ve witnessed since my own,” in a hilarious bit of anti-humility. You know what? That bit of casual arrogance was well-earned. It seems essentially impossible that anyone will be able to make a better Holocaust film, so the best a filmmaker can do if they want to tackle the subject is to tackle a whole other angle of it in the way that Jonathan Glazer did.

It’s still not one I’ll watch often - it runs 3:15 and it’s about one of the most depressing subjects possible - but I do think I’ll need to look back in on it at least once a decade.


Can’t you access it through a VPN? This guy seems to have a fix

What did you think of The Pianist?

Agree that Schindler’s is a masterpiece.

The Pianist didn’t really land for me in nearly the same way. I suppose I’ll owe that a revisit one day also, but it hasn’t been that terribly long since I’ve seen it and my current take is that it falls well short of the impossible Schindler’s List standard.

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Yeah, exactly this.

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